Older forums were better

Thats all I gotta say

The forums have always been the same, it’s just the people within it…

I mean by technicality there have been a couple of updates on the forums and yes technically the people within the forum are apart of it making it change with it but who cares I Iike my quote.

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Am i ruining the vibe flare

Airpod Shawtgun™️

Not really exactly.
Well, I believe that the older forums worked properly in my opinion within the forums and weren’t too many users causing chaos until this day where there’s like drama all over the website over some user that’s been on the forums for like 1 hour.

guild update forums :smiling_imp:


Does this directly attack anyone who joined this year? If so; I am greatly offended :rage:

Starting to agree now
This forum is starting to die out when top topics of the year art 99% art or leaks/announcements, and the rest are shit like “Trigno Peeing”
The only other time an off topic post gets to the top is something like “My friend died”

we’re in a limbo now, waiting for AO’s release so that more people join. Thought we already went over this though lmao

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Honestly, yes.

Forums have been a really boring place recently, almost none of the topics have been interesting, save for the occasional Odyssey Feed or an actually good post.

There is way too much chaos, shitposting, stupid drama, and so on. I rarely see a serious or constructive post, everyone here is acting like literal children at times.

Other than art or AO updates, there is almost nothing worth seeing.

I know, I know, we’re waiting for AO, but the forum isn’t the same place it used to be. I am bored of trying whatever to remain active in this place during this time. Tired of trying to maintain my activity here, in hopes of, you know, actually interesting discussions.

So I’ll just say: I’m off.

I’m unsure if it will be temporary until AO or a total retirement, since that depends on my interest for the game once it releases. But I can assure that I’ll most likely return once the game actually has stuff to do, as I already did almost everything you can do in WoM save for PvP and trading which I’m not a fan of.

So that’s it, most likely I’ll see you soon.

tl;dr i got bored and im leaving, most likely wont return until ao releases


blah blah blah this didn’t need to be said
blah blah blah blah blah too much shit going on that isn’t related
blah blah it isn’t worth being here anymore
blah blah blah blah screw you guys i’m going home contact me on discord if you insist

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Is that a callout?

It’s not supposed to be negative, one of my own top topics was a real life thing too
These kind of topics show the people of the forums are actually nice.

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No, I meant that as a good callout

thanks bro

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Was there actually a post about Trigno Peeing

Have you forgotten where you are? Of course there’s a post of Trigno peeing!

Atleast watching people pee isn’t a fetish i think