On a scale 1 to 10, how much would you trust your WoM/AO file to cook?

Rune Banks: 50% chance she might burn it by mistake. 5/10
Caitlin Clay: Is a good cook but might force feed you vegetables. 8/10
Eric Gold: He will try to cook it with fire magic. 3/10
Geno Anchor: He might try to make something decent. 7/10
Austin Water: Will make you a mistake, beat the living crap out of you and leave. 9/10
Julia Booth: Will run from the fire. 0/10
How about your files?
(Also don’t mind me calling Erik “Eric”, I’m changing it in AO.)

It’s currently 2 am and I’m in bed so I only have this pic from months ago. Anyways

Wilbur definitely looks like they have some sort of cooking experience, can be trusted to a degree

Regis CANNOT be trusted

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Iron Graves: 9/10 mans can probably cool well
Griffin Banks: 6/10 I doubt he can cook anything more difficult than rice
Marvel Grey: 1/10 homeless bum can’t cook for themselves let alone anyone else
Hermes Grey: 10/10 fitness fanatic who knows how to properly deliver nutrition
Mist Marshall: 7/10 can probably just cook rather basically
Bert Auburn: 2/10 Bert is an unknown threat who only knows about stabbing so doesn’t know jack shit about cooking, still will do better than Marvel.


1 - Not if I want a decent meal
2 - Probably could cook something
3 - would poison both mine and his own food just for the fun of it
4 - would spend hours making a perfect meal
5 - would just not cook

I would trust Sam,he seems like a good cook.
I don’t have other pictures of my other files :pensive: but I can still summarize.
Jason is a evil bandit plain and simple,would not be trustworthy and would probably poison you.
Eric used to be a pirate so he might have some experience with making seafood.

imagine eating food in general, fucking cringe.

My iron file would make the best food you’ve ever tasted
Other ones can’t make a hot pocket

Cameron Calvin: 0/10 do not trust at all he is a FUCKING CHILD and also based off of me therefore cannot cook
Charles Calvin: 9/10 he is a trustworthy man and can probably cook good fish
Chad Marshall: 0/10 he would put toxins in it I do not trust
Basil Silver: 10/10 I think he’d be a very good chef
Pearl Silver: 0/10 I don’t even want to ask her for multiple reasons that will not be disclosed here
Calvin: 6/10 he’s a rogue but probably makes good food and might not try to kill me
Henry Silver: 5/10 Idk if this man could cook or not but he might be alright to trust
Dylan Valk: 8/10 He can probably cook

Jinhao: Hey may be blind, but I plan to give him the cooking profession in AO, so I’d say like 9/10
Dominic: He has short-term memory loss, so things might get a little dicey, 6/10
Melody: There’s nothing that could really interfere with her cooking ability. 10/10

Raven: 9/10 Spent a couple years working in a royal kitchen as the chef.
Emily: 10/10 Worked on a farm for the first part of her life, can likely cook a delicious meal from limited supplies.
Floyd: 3/10 Could cook a decent meal if it benefits him, will also poison you if it benefits him.

Xavier: 4/10 he lives a steady life but his wife does most of the cooking. Not sure if he can, but he’d give it a shot.
Julia (Hawk): 7/10 Is great at making road rations after living in the woods alone for the first part of her life. Also good at picking out the foods that are edible and those that are not.
Terra: 1/10 He loves destruction and murder. Won’t bother to cook or would put metal slivers to cut me when I eat it.

what the fuck is the point of letting them cook if they’re all literally criminals

force them to cook


Mel could probably cook, quite well even

unless i pissed her off and she start putting poison and insanity 5 drugs inside it

the other 2 arent really OC soooo

These files are telling me I’ve spent a bit too much hours on WoM

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