Asking so that we can decide who to sacrifice.
saint = 100, sinner = -100
if using scale of 0 to 1000 where 500 is middle, we sacrifice everyone <125 or 875+
Asking so that we can decide who to sacrifice.
saint = 100, sinner = -100
if using scale of 0 to 1000 where 500 is middle, we sacrifice everyone <125 or 875+
rb1 is -100
idk because oleg is much worse, oleg is -100 while rb1 is prob -80
oh wow thats what i said
shit was supposed to get post 19
now for the topic at hand literallyloki is probably the most saintlike person on the forums
where is vetex at
have you checked the vetex cave?
oh i misundderstood i think it depends on the day
no, where is it
I think we should use polls to make it easier and avoid floods.
I’ll start:
Use the following formatting:
[poll type=number results=always min=0 max=1000 step=125]
# Saint vs Sinner %
0 ↦ 250 = Sinner (Lower, Middle, Upper)
375 ↦ 625 = Moderate (Lower, Middle, Upper)
750 ↦ 1000 = Saint (Lower, Middle, Upper)
oh that’s for you? i’ll start with mine
0 = sinner, 1000 = saint, 500 = neutral
I can’t work out how to make this poll, I assume it’s Number Rating but when I go there I can’t figure out how to do it
yeah it’s number rating
I’ve explained it in the dropdowns of my earlier comment:
you can add ‘public=true’ at the end of the poll’s settings to make people who vote on it visible.
Is Icy saint or does Icy sin?
(I fixed it :3) (no one else vote it’s at a perfect 444.44) >:( who did that