i’ma mention loki
- 0
- 125
- 250
- 375
- 500
- 625
- 750
- 875
- 1000
here we go
You better not get an average closer to 375 than 500.
- Selectorch (sinner)
- techlevel80 (saint)
- moochezz (saint)
idk when next session will be
Don’t forget apothicgoblin from the original thread:
oh yeah but i didnt mention it since it wasnt here
you forgot moochezz
I’m a -999999999 because I’m typing this message and reading this thread instead of doing my homework.
edit: I also forgot my friend’s birthday today so that definitely contributes to my worthlessness and scumminess. I also don’t feel nearly as guilty about it as I should. All those factors bring my total score to -999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
- 0
- 125
- 250
- 375
- 500
- 625
- 750
- 875
- 1000
no one vote it’s exactly 500
I voted
- 0
- 100
- 200
- 300
- 400
- 500
- 600
- 700
- 800
- 900
- 1000
wow you guys have gotten really desperate since the last time i was here
Every time someone anon’s the game gets improved significantly therefore murder newgens I see no leap in logic here
Yeah ok Carthage