[ ⚔️ Oneshot ⚔️ ] Cornered❗❓

A corrupted Noble was being chased by 2 figures, who might they be and what do they want with him?

In a dark alleyway in an unnamed kingdom in the war sea, a noble was seen running away from 2 figures, sweats dripping like it was raining men for days, his face which was filled with fear to the maximum, as the shock of his face trembled right in front of him. A dead end, a scariest fate than anything a noble could’ve gotten.

“P-P-Please…! W…We can sort this…o…out!” He pleaded for his life, covering himself using his arms. “Just…Just… Let me live… please…” He continued pleading, praying for the Gods to save him from this.

Wel’well… Whadya say Bill? What shall’do with this fella?One of the figures said, smirking as he looked at the noble,Anotha corrupted Noble! I musta lost count of how many of them we’ve encountered.He said, buttoning his sleeves and then adjusting his tie.

A small sigh was heard from this Bill person,Admiral… Remember not to kill… the target…He softly said, looking down at the noble, all he had to think of that was just pure disgust.Maybe… this one could be an exception… Sir…He added.

The noble looked at the two with fear in his eyes, “A-Aren’t… you… g-guys from the… Navy…” His voice cracked as he was saying it, “Shouldn’t…You guys be protecting the se-” He was cut off, shoved to the wall as he fell to his knee.

Bla bla bla, protecting? We are protecting… the people from your bullshit.The figure said, he was ready to strike him down but patiently waited,Like for fuck sake man, all you need to do is just spill that information and we’re done here.He crouched, looking at him directly in the eye.

“T-Thats it…?” The noble asked, quivering as he tried backing away, all he felt was the hard and rough wall ripping bits of his fancy white outfit. “I… admit that it was me… Doing those unforsaken actions such as poisoning the other nobles just to be at the top…” He said, sniffing.

He didn’t hesitate to punch him in the face right as he said that.That’s all we needed to know, just gonna say that you are one of the most scrawniest scum we’ve ever met so far.He noted before punching him again.

Sir… Agnis… I suggest you stop now… I do have some bad feeling that the royal guards will start a search for him…Bill softly said, gently tapping Agnis shoulder as he looked behind, still broad daylight.

He groaned,Fine…He rolled his eyes, biting his lips.Anyway, cuff him up, we’ll start moving tomorrow and depart for the nearest or furthest checkpoint.Agnis said, sighing.This could’ve ended way worse if my advisor didn’t stop me.He patted the noble shoulder.

On it sir.Bill said, swirling his finger as a small shadow magic circle appeared at the tip of his finger, it shot out some sort of black tentacles that then cuffed the noble.Say… is our budget that low that the HQ refuses to give us… actual cuffs?Asked Bill as the tentacles started dragging the noble towards him.

Honestly, I think that’s because of that one incident… or party as I’d like to say.He laughed,Man oh man, Cerenyx did not like what we do and same for the Council.He snorted and wiped the blood stains on his gauntlet.

Bill nodded, although dumbfounded that his superior commanding officer would do that.So… Sir… Do we wait until it’s night so we can move swiftly?He asked, concerned that if they go out now they’d be caught.

Aha! No, we’ll ditch this place in a minute or so.Agnis chuckled, knowing damn well they would just beat up anyone that is in their way, especially guards.

Bill sighed heavily,Sometimes… I wonder why I was assigned with you… Sir…Bill looked at Agnis, he then had some sort of deep thoughts about him. ‘This is the man I’ll die for.. Oh my god.. This fate is worse than death…’ before snapping back to reality.


Alright, for some clarification, the ranks of the Grand Navy character there are:
Agnis - Admiral
Bill - Vice Admiral

These two characters don’t care about the so called Dress Code of the Navy and wear whatever they like and maybe that’s due to them being in a sub organization within the Navy.


These Syndicate characters from my previous story, The Talk.
It was made by BNT!

Vice Admiral Bill, this drawing was made by a friend!

If any of you guys are interested in drawing the characters that was in this story, here are the references.


stupid gankers

-the guy in the white shirt
