(ONGOING!) Forest of Mystery

“Done now?”

“What about the mercenaries, huh?!” he yelled.

Arsen loses his balance on the ground and trips.

“The mercenaries are uh… dead.”
I point at the bodies.


(Everyone say what number you are on the trello. Arielle is 9)

Arielle cautiously stands up. Strange wizards, using strange magics, in a strange forest. An earthquake rumbles through the ground, like the boom of a massive drum. She manages to keep on her feet.

(how the fuck)

I am thrown into the air, but quickly catch myself using a magic jump.
“Thundering Eagle!”

(wdym number)

(lmao the explosion)



(The number you appear in from top down so we can set an order of turns)

(5 for Aaron adamos and 11 for dan galleon)

(Ok, 7.)

this is too much to keep track of… small brain no work good

no im 1

(Ya I forgot)

(alright so the order is @puck, @Robotstics, @lookingforabargain, @Kxks, @Danny_Zou

Puck goes first. Remember this order write it down or something idk)

(ok guys lets just try and keep rp’ing; we’ll see what happens but try and diffuse the current situation between the characters)

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