Oof, Spiders omg ("traumatic" experience at night)

So I’m really glad I was drawing with my iPad tonight 'cause a spider just descended from my ceiling right in front of me. I didn’t wanna kill her for no reason so I just grabbed the web above her and tossed it one way.

Unfortunately, that was not enough force as she landed on the pillow guarding my bedside (I have a bunk bed) and now the pillow is on the floor after confirming she was on the pillow. I think she went inside the case T_T

I say she because she was fairly large and females are bigger than males in a lot of animals (pretty much all invertebrates, reptiles, and birds).

I’m not afraid of getting bit since spiders are generally skiddish, but I don’t like them on me, y’know?

i would’ve killed it

If I were you then I would have run out of the room immediately, either ask for my parents or just use a broom and try to slap it as much as possible.

Spiders are good for keeping actual pests out

Nah, I did it with as little risk/hassle as possible since it’s 1:22 am rn xD. She’s outta my bed and that’s all that matters to me.


I seen a fairly large spider at like 1-3 am. I can usually touch spiders but that one was pretty big so I just put it in a cup and decided what to do with it. The thing was literally scrambling to try to climb the wall for like 10-15 minutes, when it stopped I honestly thought it exhausted itself to death because I looked it up and that’s a possible thing for spiders, but it eventually got up when I decided to just let it out in the basement.

This is why you must be kind to spiders

You have gained +15 good spider karma for your mercy

sleep with your mouth open. if it crawls inside your mouth, it wont stand a chance against your stomach acid!

I don’t like spiders, they are scary when they come out of nowhere. I had one just fall off a tree on the back of my hand, I got scared and he got executed by a big slap. One came into the bath tub while I was showering and started approaching me, he got a one way trip down the drain.
But when I can see then coming or when they remain still and at a distance they are chill. I think if I was in the same situation as you were and it was a big one coming down to the desk, he would probably get escorted over to the balcony.


lol, I was in my bed and tried to just get her off. I just hope she’s not still in the case T_T

If I were you I would conduct a thorough search under the mattress. But I’m kinda paranoid of big spiders coming out of nowhere while I’m barely awake and tucked in, so take my advice with a pinch of salt.

i used to have a massive spider camp outside my window and even though it was a really messy web, it helped keep alot of other nasty insects out. we had a symbosis relationship till my brother grabbed the hose