Yea, I know.
Vetex said the game would die on the spot if he removed PvP right now, and he’s not wrong.
He also said that’s the only reason he hasn’t outright deleted it.
I hope he sticks to that mindset when the game’s in a position where that is no longer the case.
I won’t lie, it is. But I would like to see more group combat between large groups to revive clans (already dead a few months after their greatest update)
ive been saying for time we need like a ranked ao gamemode to keep pvpers even more entertained (and that indirectly encourages this pve/pvp divide that everyone so clearly wants)
I’ve seen more people than I’m willing to go back and count quit the game because they’re sick and tired of people forcing them to play what is functionally an entirely different game that they did not sign up for.
PvP should be completely separated from the main game if that’s what its gonna take.
If the wound can’t be healed, then the limb needs to be amputated before it poisons the body.
I do not want to deal with you all.
You all quite apparently do not want to deal with me.
Would it not be better if we were in completely different and disconnected parts of the game?