Opinion on island claiming infamy

I still don’t like the island claiming stuff. I went from claiming an island every few times I hopped on to never using the feature at all.

(Reminders for AO chain thread)

Speaking specifically about the island theft infamy system.

Imagine trying to defend your island and losing like 2 hours worth of infamy cause you died on top of having the island stolen :joy: :ok_hand:

Actually it can be upwards of 3 hours in the big name clans. Let’s be realstic though, Let’s say you are in an average clan.

You take an island and fish there. Someone shows up and hunts you then steals the island. That’s -105, -105, so -210.

If you were on Sandfall, you only gained 10 every 5 minutes, so mathematically, you would have needed to hold the island for 105 minutes or roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes to break even on the loss.

Say your clan isn’t average though. Say you got to strong. That’s a huge jump in punishment Now you lose 270, even if you had harvest, which is 15 every 5 minutes, that’s still an hour and a half you need to be on, or roughly 45 minutes (barring being hunted) before your clan breaks even if its stolen from you.

The time only gets worse and worse the higher your clan is, at strong its already flat out not worth it. You have to basically drop whatever you are doing and sail across the man to try and stop someone. That’s just not fun.

Here's the math for Legendary Clans if you want to see how screwed they are:

Per hunt or island stolen, a legendary clan loses 360 infamy. So 720 in total if both occur. If they claimed, say, Cassia Bay, which is ten infamy, do you know how many hours they would have needed to be on for them to break even? Six hours, exactly. Half of a servers entire lifetime, and they’d have to make sure to drop anything they were doing to defend their island or there would be serious repercussions.

This pushes people into hunting one another for infamy, because at least that is something you can have some iota of control over. Once you claim an island, you can’t ‘abandon’ it, and now, you can’t even leave the server if someones taking it without being punished.


Yeah, now you actually need skilled players to grow your clan

This is a good thing

Denying features from certain types of players will never be a good thing. Clans will have building down the line- which will give distinct, pve function bonuses (like buffs to fishing).

The current system is less ‘skill’ and more mindless grinding still. It’s not like the chief way to get Infamy is to win an inter-clan tournament, or win a mediated clan war. It’s just to steal islands and hunt other players. Bounty hunting is by default less skilled, as in most cases you are surprising another player, and just about every fight in every game leans towards the ambusher better. You can’t even assume by default the hunter warning will show up because not everyone has a high enough fame threshold for that.

Features should not be barred behind an arbitrary system, forcing you to participate in PVP. I simply don’t care for PVP. Renown makes sense, its a pvp leaderboard and so it can be it’s own wonderful little system- yet why are deckhands tied to it? Why do I have to slog through getting renown in order to upgrade my ship for activities I won’t use to pvp?

It’s the same concept, don’t try to forcefeed playstyles to players who have different content in mind or you’ll just end up alienating those players.

I’m not saying people who form clans to fish, trade or goof around should be topping the leaderboards by next week, but I’m saying they shouldn’t get bullied en-masse because the content they want to participate in is simply locked off to them.


definitely agree. for how long it takes to gain infamy by claiming islands (at least for me, cuz im the only one grinding infamy for my clan), its genuinely so frustrating to have potentially hours worth of progress destroyed.

and i 100% agree that clans should not only focus on the players who enjoy pvp, but to the entire audience that ao is directed towards (pve players)

people like me who dont necessarily have the internet nor the desire to fight other players wouldnt find clans appealing, especially if thats the only way to get pve benefits.

literally the only reason i own a clan and claim islands rn is so that i can keep my galleons safe. if banks are added, clans are genuinely useless to me.

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The people in my very small clan are unwilling to bounty hunt because we all agree its gross and feels slimy to do.

We were able to get by using every other method to gain infamy but now we’re just kinda stuck since every non-PvP infamy source is just there for show at this point.

I thought we all learned and agreed this was bad after the shitshow that was the WoM guild update.


You know you can get like the same amount as claiming harvest by farming spears chests in like the same amount of time,

Calling it denying a feature is crazy in how wrong it is

Funny considering I see your strange adherence to defend a fundamentally unfair demand that the player abandon all other gameplay and pvp if your claim is contested as the ‘crazy’ one here.

It’s just not fun, it’s just not fair, and if this sticks around into the building update, then it denies an ENTIRE update from every class of player but PVP. It’s as simple as that. It needs to be outright removed, the number of claimed islands has tanked even in servers full of clans, people just don’t want the headache.

You also disproved yourself in your own counter argument. ‘Farming chests gives just as much’. Yes, so why would you EVER claim an island, when there is risk you lose far more than you gain- instead of JUST farming chests?

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15 infamy per 5 minutes and 2 infamy respectively, while hunting someone is 270 per kill, get good at it and it’s not even a challenge to which one is better. You get significantly more infamy from hunting and stealing islands than from any other non-PVP method. While I do get the idea of some sort of satisfaction from killing someone and am about to start grinding bounty because I want master deckhands, I don’t think that making every actually good way to grind infamy PvP based is good for the long-term health of the clan system and is actively pushing people into playstyles they don’t like or pushing them away from clans entirely.

In short, making clans a heavily PvP based system or another cesspool different from the leaderboard is just going to make them less worth it for the majority of players (because believe it or not, the majority of players aren’t interested in PvP, myself included right now).

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i don’t understand why people think “Oh i should be able to obtain decent amounts of infamy while not engaging in pvp!”
clans are a primarily pvp feature, and should stay that way.

cant wait for all the pve mains to complain about me posting an opinion

lol before the brewing update, every claimable island i hopped onto i started to claim, people got mad, people hunted me, and be like ‘can i take the island back’ i’d just be like ‘yea i never meant to claim it in the first place’

And deckhands, a feature that should be PvE, is locked behind PvP primarily. Super backwards.

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Idc about ‘decent’ amounts of infamy, I care that clans, which are going to be a serious focus in future updates, are being locked away behind pvp.

Should the Dark Sea be locked to people who PVE, no PVPers allowed? Should future content updates make it so if you don’t have hundreds of hours in PVE grinding you will not be able to properly enjoy new features?

No, it’s as simple as that. Keep as few features as possible locked away from the general playerbase.


I do wonder what part infamy will play in clan features. Is there a part limit to building on islands depending on your infamy? Do you get a bigger clanship depending on infamy (most likely one), etc.

Honestly if clan building is unrelated to infamy (due to Trello talking about galleon prices infamy might just lower costs) then it doesn’t matter at all imo.

Make the clanship mainly used for clan mini games and clan mini games are infamy based so low infamy v low infamy or high infamy v high infamy etc that way a legendary clan’s mega fortress ship doesn’t stomp rookie clan’s in ship battle minigames. I don’t really see the purpose of a clanship in the main game due to it causing too much imbalance, if it’s too strong then deckhands 2.0 but if it’s too weak then it’s useless besides the novelty of it

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