Opinion on new roblox event?

It’s corporate Roblox; of course they chose Child Gambling Simulator #981,812 over an actually good game.


That’s odd, since CoS is allegedly participating in on this event as well.

But it’s not listed. .

There’s a new list on the roblox discord

A lil better

i barely see a difference, what’s new on this list?

My heart sank when I realized that 80% of the games are either brainrot content, p2w or grindy garbage, or entirely forgettable. There’s a few good ones, but most of them are snoozeworthy.

I’ll still try to do the whole thing though, like every other event.

mfw I have my hopes way too high up after Roblox tells me that there won’t be any more events

ill still play god im starved of any type of HUNTS

they needed filler so they could add a coin system for the prizes

I hate to agree but this is definitely better than nothing.

Coin system? I don’t know much about “The Hunt”, please elaborate

Apparently both Lumberjack Simulator & Pull a Sword being in the event were both confirmed to be faked by the studio behind them. Hopefully the same goes for fucking toilet tower defense.

I checked Combat Warriors and this actually caught my eye.

Unlike previous dev hunts, it appears that each game may or may not have a multitude of badges/rewards for the event.

To my knowledge this has never been the case before, with only one badge per game.

That third egg design is genuinely horrific. It looks a chibi-fied sleep paralysis demon version of the quiet kid from my 10th grader days who imagined himself as Griffith and fantasized about doing the Eclipse on our English class. The other 2 eggs look half bad half good and could maybe work but that 3rd one needs to be thrown into the pits of Tartarus.



Chibified colossal titan

Two sonar studio games?

This is the only game I will be doing the event. Unless there is some well-designed eggs, I guess I am back light spamming in CW

It was a case when roblox were the one making games for egg hunts

I’m just happy they are doing a event that isn’t sponsored.

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