Opinions on gankers

So, as PvE players, Gankers re quite frankly… infuriating- but i am curious what the general PvP population thinks of the lads that just go around and kill on sight!
Made any experiences?

They’re literally the single worst kind of player for AO, and implementing systems to stop them would be a net positive for the game. Even if it caused them to quit.

Also, many are weirdly bad at actual PVP from my experience. Especially ones that fight in groups. Two meta builds once jumped me in Palo and were forced to run. It’s almost comical how pathetic they are both in-game and out of it.

Yeah, this one jumped me just today when i was at the auction house and ended up killin me- then i attacked back, brought them low and then ran

(If they get mad for showing their user, oh well! Not my issue! You started this! :])

Man’s at 51.2 hours and never bothered to level up any of his skills.

nobody likes these guys

ganking is fine and justified if both users are in a clan imo
otherwise i dont think its something people should do, but truthfully i dont care if they do or not.

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Prolly was when clans were all pvp, but now some major features are in there that pve players too wanna have access to, so its like. 50/50. Just leave me alone and go kill some criminals

(cut to a 500 dmg iron ball coming at me)

depends on how toxic they are

Gankers are inevitable, whether they’re doing it to enjoy the thrill of fighting other players or to test out new builds without having to waste any time. Me personally, ganking is fine as long as your target isn’t a low level or is currently completing a treasure chart. I don’t think bounty hunting falls under the category of ganking.


They seem to do it to farm player kills from what I’ve asked them, not sure why they care about it but they suck

No it isn’t. You could just remove the player’s ability to do so. This is a video game, all violence in the game is allowed by the creator. If Vetex didn’t explicitly want it in the game, he could just straight up disable PVP in most areas under most circumstances.

i feel that a pve player is entirely at fault if they use clans and dont wish to be put in pvp situations truthfully. clans ARE primarily pvp.


ganking is funny


I ain’t gonna like any of them… because I suck at pvp… unless they are in full ravenna gear and try to gank me because I murdered calvus
(if you don’t get the reference skill issue I guess)

That just proves my point. The only way to get rid of ganking is to remove world PVP entirely. Ganking is inevitable as long as world PVP exists, and that’s just how it is and how it always will be unless Vetex’s stance changes.

i hate gankers
got spawnkilled when i arrived at sailors for the first time
rip 6k fame
it became 600 bounty somehow

I hate gankers mainly because I don’t want to lose my fame for literally no reason in my control

rolled a nat 20 on the trash talk after beating you

i used to be terrified of gankers until i realized a lot of them are bad at the game. consider the fact that many of their kills are likely noob players who can barely fight back. basically subtract 75% from their player kills and thats probably their amount of actual kills

no like
bro kept spawnkilling me
destroyed my sailboat
and i only escaped by LEAVING THE GAME