Opinions on gankers

I hate agility builds. Will forever hate them.

Me when the regular with fewer than 1k likes received tries to bait for attention again: (I’m shocked)

Also, what part of this comment of yours contributes to “thoughtful discussion”?

Surely you didn’t look up his like amount that’s so lame

Me, the regular with 76 likes


:nauseated_face::nauseated_face: (insert green aura with flies audio)

i’m sorry mr artist did me not going on this site every other day bother you :face_with_monocle:

i also don’t get how saying something in my description dictates what i do in every reply i make on a thread, but you do you


Please do not start an argument in this thread as well, 64. Just don’t react to others. Please.

1 Like

only time is justified is when you gank toxic player

i once joined a nimbus server where the whole server expect me and another rando were ganking 2 people, apparently they were killing low lvls

as a pve player, i hate gankers- no further elaboration needed or required

but DAMN, is it satisfying winning a battle against them despite being caught off guard :fr:


I gank people with my brother sometimes. The motives are as follows:

  • We are bored (I’m allergic to productivity)
  • Ego boost (I am trash at pvp)
  • Testing new pvp builds (bad)

Otherwise I exclusively do pve, and get mad when people do the same thing to me, since I am an avid hypocrite :fire:.

Fortunately we actually have some shame. We don’t attack people who aren’t max levels, nice people, people who are fishing or grinding, or people who don’t fight back. For the most part lol.


psure someone else said this in the previous thread but i’m responding exactly how i’m responded to :question::question:

if youve got some hate agenda against me you’re completely welcome to slide a private message addressing it :skull:

you should totally try to gank me with your brother fr
(I need to practice with my savant anyways)

This message probably implies we’re going to lose

what builds do you two gank on

it’s just a practice fight don’t worry

completely understandable, fuck freshie killers

:speaking_head: :fire: :fire:

you should go gank this guy challed sour_stuff
i heard he farms low levels for ego he’s truly a despicable player

am i buggin or did they have a forum account

yes they do