Optical last post (real)

put this on game discussion :mariomug:

Anyways Forum Account Deletions - #209 by anon82332293 check here for the full post, I hope they don’t do some kind of troll where they wait another 10 days so if I open the forum I’d still be logged in.

anyways bye :frcryin: :nod:

This does bring a tear to my eye…


you were an admirable adversary, lord aesir.

The last of the trinity has been slain, a new era of foruming is a upon us comrades, may it be one of prosperity.

bye ig o7

He did it he finally did it

Forum fell off

I miss the days when forum members and mods shared a common enemy—an 13 yo kid not knowing basic online etiquette, and the most severe incident was just optical’s train wreck of a suggestion

Nowadays it’s hard to take the forum seriously due to how much low-effort posting, spamming, cheap humor, constant fighting among its members and frequent dramas

we were going to play the long drive… we were gonna drive forever !!! how could you leave me !! TRAITOR !!!


hiiiii :3

memorising your numbers rn