Other humanoid and possibly intelligent creatures?(Hypothetical question)

Think of all the mites and maggots lving in that thing…
oh wait they don’t exist in ao whaaaaaa

gargoyles? walking statues.

Race of giants, though only hybrid descendants exist now, as far as we know.

Notably: Verdies, The Kraken, Arthur the Cursebeard, and Ulysses in Arcane Adventures

In AO, I think the only one we’ve seen so far is Kjartan, but it’s not really confirmed. He is a bit smaller than the Vastus men we’ve seen in Arcane Adventures, but that could just be model scaling difference between the two games

Kjartan is most likely just a really tall human, vastus hybrids are pretty freaking large on average

Do note that Vetex said that only 1/32nd Vastus-Human hybrids exist anymore in the War Seas (they have a thirty-secondth the Vastus blood compared to Human blood in them; their gene pool is mostly Human).
Most Vastus-Human hybrids we’re come across in the series are 1/16th. Double the vastus blood from what the War Seas has. At least, I think I’m doing that math right.
Still, significantly more Vastus people exist outside of the War Seas.
Kjartan likely is a Vastus-Human - just 1/32nd Vastus, the other 31 fractions being Human.

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where did people get all this info from add it to the wiki

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Ikr, even I didnt know this stuff. There is a lore encyclopedia trello, but it was also for the AA Webcomic, some other stuff might be outdated too.

Hmm, Im currently thinking abt it rn

if it was in Greek mythology, there’s a solid 80% chance it’s existed in some point in time in the AU

It’s fr like studying actual Greek mythology with all the conflicting/different canons and stories that we have irl :frcryin:

“like” ao is literally just off brand greek mythology changed to his liking

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