Overall TGR Discussion

So… let’s talk about the Total Game Revamp, also known as AO. If you’re reading this, you most likely already know about the TGR (aka AO). It’s just, I have a few complaints.

  1. Shit planning:
    World of Magic released on June 20th, 2020. Most people with the average iq reach max in a day or 2. Noobs then get bored, they leave the game. Game drops 10k players, and now only 2-3k players are focusing on getting good gear. People get good gear, they get bored, playercount drops. Now only 1k players are fucking around and having fun.
    That’s about it, World of Magic. What else is there to do?
    It repeats. Fishing comes out, it’s boring as fuck, most people quit and leave the game not caring to max out because of the shitty lag. 2-3k players grind and try to get sunken items, they get a couple good stuff, they get bored, they leave. 1k players now grind to get all of the sunken items, max out, and then they get bored, they leave.
    Anyways, I’m not going to ramble, you get the point. The updates vetex were releasing were overall ASS. The only update that kept the game alive for a decent amount of time was the guild update, because it was something fun that you could do with your friends, whilst going for an achievement (aka infamy). Then, noobs who can’t defend themselves get RK’ed in every server, so they cry and quit the game. Now, we come to present day WoM, its players are now testers, guild members, and new players.

See the pattern, see the problem? Let me make it clear, WoM released too early. Not enough testing led to the discovery of lag because of the map, not enough story led to the level system being bland, feeling like a walking simulator/bandit beater. Not enough things to do led to mass RK even before the guild update. Then, vetex decided to try to figure out a solution, “damn, I’m kinda bringing out ass updates, what do I do? Let’s revamp the game only 5 MONTHS after release :)” I’m not complaining, it’s just, I felt like he could’ve done more with the game then give up, change the map, change a few features, revive the storyline, and now I have to sit here and wait for a basically totally different game, gameplay wise. I’m disappointed, AA such a great game, with the entire leveling being the lore, with all the things to do (deep sea diving, PvP, bosses, finding lost magics, getting together a guild) are all nonexistent in WoM. No exploring for rare items, but rather walking and killing a bland boss, and sitting down and clicking. No actually recruiting a guild of friends or randoms, but now there are TRYOUTS for PvPers, ridding out new players or those who dont find interest in PvP.

Heres what I want to say, Vetex fucked up. He should’ve found solutions for the map, like a small map that didn’t cause lag, then a teleporter to another map for higher levels, like AA with seas. Would’ve led to a lot less RK, and a better experience for low-end PC’s. But now, let’s listen to the fans and release a game with barely any content, and make them wait 4 months for a shit storyline. Not what I’d expect from Vetex, and I think there’s only one way to put, he’s been lazy. You can tell, him taking three months to bring out fishing, or beams, or the storyline. Now this guy has built two islands in that exact time, plus core mechanics, plus new boats, plus a WAYYYY better storyline from the looks of it. I think WoM just needed better planning, or I think he should’ve thought that roblox couldn’t handle his work in this first place. Anyhow, I’m excited for AO

Don’t take this post too seriously.

Some of you mfers can’t read, I made this post to complain. If you don’t like that don’t reply

Someone really flagged my post 🤦🏻


i uh dont get it

Let me summarize, Vetex didn’t think ahead, and that was really bad for his game. And he needs to add more content because with WoM he lacked really hard.

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uh yeah thats the plan for AO, vetex planned a fuck ton of content that should be enough to last

still dont get the post

im pretty sure vetex, along with everyone else, acknowledged this months ago lol


Sorry you dont understand it, idk what else to tell you

Well, just to make it clear yk

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It was already pretty obvious

I feel like a major problem nobody is account for is that we’re a minority. Realistically, a good chunk of the playerbase will leave after the first week. However, I do believe the dark seas and scrolls are a great solution for this, though I do worry that scrolls could do the opposite and possibly even cause people to intimidate newer players. Overall, I hope the playerbase doesn’t drop this game on it’s noggin like a firstborn child.

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Biggest reason for declines in player base. You couldn’t have explained it better

dnc cry about it

why are ppl still complaining about wom

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wom was destined to fail, the game relied around roaming and naturally spawning NPCs which by itself caused way too much lag and the plans for the future made creating a story for the game basically impossible since every player would have spawned at different portions of the map, and you can’t just put down the same NPC for every region and hope that it’ll work, not to mention that every major city would practically need its own main quest which just makes development time just so much more tedious.

the map was a giant flaw, most of it was a giant stretch of filler land that did nothing but turn the game into lag and walking simulator, and the “flight” solution would bring another issue, which is that most of the map would turn obsolete.

AO is just a better approach all round, each island is a key point and none of the map is obsolete with the ship travelling feature. the storyline is linear which makes it both easier to develop and simpler on the player.

the fact that WoM released too early is a good thing in my eyes, because it allowed for development for AO to begin much sooner. also not to mention that it was released early because of community pressure

i dunno how good AO is gonna be on release, but i don’t doubt that it’ll be better than WoM in every way possible

if this post is complaining about WoM’s poor planning, then yeah, i agree.

if this post is complaining about WoM having potential, then no, the game was destined to fail.


Another good reason, thanks for that

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Stay mad. I’m still confused on how u a regular

Yeah, overall a dev you should give importance to all the stages of the player
-when it joins the game
-the Leveling up process
-the endgame
Basically make the endgame actually interesting with content, im not a big fan of gpo but they somehow made the endgame cool

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How did this get flagged…

KingXeno probably flagged it

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