Pages of Daydreams

I just found out that I created this a month ago.

It’s just a gif or clip of what’s happening when waiting for the boss to respawn, for farming.


awww looks so cuteee

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“Amidst the greens of life, there’ll be a wisps of black and death when the wind blows.”

WIP art.

It’s Morden Fan Art.


fck yeah i love when people’s magic/power affect/alter their body in some ways

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“Look a Rubik’s Cube curse!”
(She’s joking. It’s just a Rubik’s Cube.)


WIP for an oc art for secret lore. But the lore introduction has a twist.


Yeah, I also tried to draw Eagle Patrimony despite the photo is soo pixelated.



I now had a different technique to shade clothes.

Can you believe it? That it the NEVIRO Fan Art came from this;

To the masterpiece I posted Earlier.


More of my Ocs:

Ruby’s mother has a connection to the Order of Aesir, so she took that Order of Aesir as the devils in the world that she mistook Aisha as one of them. But Aisha is not, just only had history through her parents and right now.

“Winter White” became a paladin because he bargained with some Eldritch God in his home Kingdom to gain a stronger body that can house his magic.
Ruby Vermillion has genetic mutation that makes her magic so strong that she can’t handle it.
Aisha Maximinius is a prodigy when it comes to magic since she’s capable of handling it like how a great mage can, she can be OP if there would be someone who would help her.


More of them:
About Strengths:
• “Winter White” who emerged with the Eldritch God so he can live that made him to become nearly insane and losses most of himself, to which he kills people to ease the headaches due to the telepathy he gained after the emergence. So, killing contracts and bounties are his specialties.

• Ruby Vermillion was good at it because she dreamed of becoming like her mother, the Great Alchemist. Though, that dream was strayed away yet she still pursue knowledge to know about her mother.

• Aisha Maximinius doesn’t know why she’s good at Logistics and Business Management, but it helps her to make money and fund her crew then her brig.

About Weakness:
• “Winter White” was neglected through his childhood that he has no clue about things. More like, treated like a porcelain doll with a purpose to be pretty like an Idol while to die young and pretty. In short, he wasn’t taken seriously by his father and siblings, then to everyone in the household, except his late-Mother and Ruby. So, he has a title of “Winter Eidolon” because of he’s appearance matched the idealized version of beauty in his homeland and dying to be a phantom.

• To Ruby Vermillion, pretty much has many doubts and often doesn’t trust people around because of what happened to her mother and her homeland before being arranged to “Winter White”, then betrayed by her future in-laws because she was only kept to be sold to the Order of Aesir. Because of that, the title of “Wayward Defiant”, to not to trust against the unpredictable.

• Aisha Maximinius doesn’t remember anything, one could only speculate if it’s from the traumatic event that caused her to repress her memories entirely or just by external force. To which, she has a title, “Little Voyager” because she has no memories as she voyages into the unfamiliar world and far from home.

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My ocs as kids, the first trio files. Just a quick sketch around several minutes.

They’re maybe 10-12 years old.


WIP Iris Fan Art.

I don’t stop cooking.


Ruby Vermillion profile #2.


• Hair: “My hair? Oh, I don’t really do anything about it. Just wash it normally and use hats, preferably clean, so does what I used on my hair.”

• Eyes: “These green eyes, I inherited it from my mother. Though, her eyes are far more beautiful with her gentle face than mine, who has a face of a complete opposite of her.”

• Weapons: “By far, dual swords is far more easier to use. Due to it’s weight and versatility, like I can use one to fight or have something spare in case the other breaks. Other than dual swords, bows are nicer than guns due to it’s loudness that is better for stealth.”

• Food: “If you try to consider give me some food or any meal to me, please let me know it’s ingredients and any devices, rather cooking tools, you’d used since I rather not to get bedridden as much as possible.”

• Favorite Food: “In my perspective, soup are far more superior than any other meals. I don’t need to munch more to eat as I can tolerate to gobble it. Especially, the soup wasn’t flavorful since my stomach was severely sensitive to any spices or some specific ingredients.”

• Least Favorite Food: “Spicy meals is something I’m not fond of, well, it triggers my stomach that I once got bedridden as a child after eating my late-aunt’s special dish. Until now, I wished not to remember that.”

• Magic: “My magic is quite strong that I can’t handle it fully, to the point I resorted to weapons to utilize it. And so far, cons weigh more in ny daily-life as my magic often burns my fat, thus leaving me in quite tired with fatigue is were using it. If not, I’ll be feeling little shocks all day and night that it made me more sensitive to any environment, especially the temperatures.”

• Mother: “She may had many secrets, scattered in her diary across the world, but it doesn’t make me less to love and cherish my mother. Though, I felt conflicted when knowing the truth behind my birth and her eccentric goal that made her a Mad Alchemist, by those hooded figures.”

• ‘Winter White’: “Yuki is someone you can trust your secrets with, but also a dangerous man. Even born with frail body and terminal condition, he still manage to know things without my help. One day, someone broke into the house, not any reason stated but my father-in-law stated it was an attempt burglary since no valuable went missing. So about the intruder, nothing changed as the intruder fled frantically after escaping from his room. At first, I thought it was me, but then I realized, looking at the room the intruder fled from, I see from his smile, something must’ve happened… But don’t worry, he won’t bite, as long as you didn’t try to push his buttons.”

• Aisha Maximinius: “That girl… Is someone I’ve dealt but she disappeared so sudden. Without a trace just like THEM. The first time I saw her, my instincts told me of something similar to that hooded figure that took my mother away, so… I fought her, and tried to apprehend her for intel about them, but she disappeared after bursting some earth magic on me… Carelessness on my part. However, that girl, has something more than that… I can’t put a finger on it. Well, I hope in the future, we’ll be able to talk things in more civilized way, even though it’s nearly impossible since I might marked myself a bad impression on her.”

• Siblings: “I have… Many siblings… And don’t ask how since I don’t have my mother’s entire journals and diaries. And the first sibling I’d encountered so far, was someone who joined the Grand Navy and more boastful as if I’m seeing a male-version of my mother, in more arrogant way. Honestly… I have my wishes to end him since he’s ruining my mother’s image.”

“So is there anything else would you like to know?”


WIP for “Winter White” Oc Art.


Aisha, Daily Life

She’s still teaching “Winter” how to cook, even to fry an egg.

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So I changed my second file drip, Ruby Vermillion,

I used the braided hair for the bangs and the shorter curly hair for the whole get up. She’s kinda giving “Huntress” Slay Queen Vibe I wanted and loving it. Especially the gradient of the cape, because it’s has this blasted permanent effects.

Imma redraw her if I had time.

Though the bottom is lacking since I’m free to play person. Roblox free account.

Couldn’t find upload the abouts, it’s lagging my phone so…

Aisha, character profile 2:

Acelina Ketch, the woman in the cover.

Working as a Librarian, always had to be careful of holding any combustible items due to her magic, fire, is dangerous when not handled carefully.

Although, she used paper magic before they took it away… Therefore, she can’t give papercuts to anyone anymore.

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I’m going in a different route in drawing… Grayscale.