Paladin Armor

Yeah should be around 20%

honestly investing defense in any vitality build is a waste of stats just go for resistance or regeneration, regeneration goes extremely well with vitality builds and what is that attack size and agility? Kind of sucks if i had to give it a note it would be 2/10

regen was gutted, thank the balance team
even 200 will barely help you
also Meepy18 would like to have a word with you (his max hp on juggernaut is 4k with focus)

in exchange he probably has no other stats and regenā€™s still good even after the nerf imo my paladin friend has like 2200 hp and takes minutes to kill :rofl:

iā€™d like to introduce you to attack speed paired with just about anything
if your friend takes minutes to kill then clearly whoever he fights is utter garbage at PVP.

you do realize one of the best defense armor sets also gives a handful of attack speed right

iā€™m lightning with 191 speed and i deal nearly 260, dmg resistance and regen are busted just try them outā€¦

i think iā€™d green any forumer ngl

then just use it???

example, this is my current paladin build, I have 2424 hp and can get up to 2,8 k with resistance aura, i did this a few weeks ago and if i could change something now iā€™d get a lil more speed and regeneration but iā€™m not going to do that because iā€™m lazyyyy and I donā€™t use this slot anyway

my guy iā€™ve run a 200 regen build in this current version, it does NOT help you.

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well, if you say so :person_shrugging:

Ye regen is bugged, isnā€™t it?

no, it was fixed in 1.15.13. (the current version)
it just outright sucks.

-2/10 build, 19 attack size and 29 attack speed are too small to have any noticeable effects, and 83 regen is negligible. Lacking agility, run at least 50 agility please

Iā€™ve linked my build below (.mp4 file too big for forums aahaghh)

50 agility sucks, i do not like size (i can aim) 29 attack speed, I did say iā€™d change it if I could and 83 regen i also said iā€™d increase it and Iā€™d say my buildā€™s fine, Iā€™d rather have power and regen/resis than a lot of defense, since every vitality class is tanky either way also whatā€™s this goofy build above my message with 300 size that ainā€™t a paladin thatā€™s a demolitioner :skull:

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