Paper magic animation

Tobi had requested a paper magic next and here it is, he’s already seen it but feel you guys should also see any arcane related stuff I make


Awesome AND cool, buff paper!

buff paper

paper curse when (papercuts)

paper as a lost magic possibly…?

(I mean for fucks sake if something like “frostmetal” or “poison lightning” is canon I don’t see why paper can’t be)

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(he missed a spot twice when making this)

hi mortomi :smiling_imp:

Ok buddy…

Ultimate art: Fanfiction!

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(More than twice)

LET’S GOOOOO, THIS IS EPIC!!! Tobiemoji_gogogo

Paper Magic should be a manmade magic, combination between wood and slash.

ink magic should be water magickers who write too much/eat too much squids/octopodes

patreon chat was summoned

Can paper mages make notebooks?

Wouldn’t it disappear over time? I mean, we don’t see any magic linger in the world in-game, other than Durza’s ~200+ megaton blast.

As to why it’s a ~200+ megaton blast, that’d be because the explosion caused by the chicxulub impact (the impact of the meteor that wiped out 80+% of all animal life on earth at the end of the cretaceous era) was of approximately 100 megatons of tnt, and wasn’t even enough to split continents.

Magic can sometimes linger, which is called magic radiation, and is amplified by seawater. This is Shura pollution and Durza blast.
Wouldn’t be able to make a book with it.

Curses do linger.

no leather or binding, they can only make blank paper sheets