Paper or Light ? Share your opinions and thoughts! :)

I have made a paper character and a light but i cant seem to pick one, help me out and share your knowledge.

Paper is just cooler in my opinion


yeah, paper does seem cool but if im honest im very indecisive so i try to look at what people think when it comes to a particular magics performance in the fields of PVE and PVP.

light, iz faster

but do you think that with papers bleeding effect whilst it still being fast could mean that its possibly better ?

are there any effects that light has apart from decreasing the opponents vision ?

Yeah it does, one of light’s other effects is making the user feel like a loser for picking it in the first

Paper is slightly slower than light (1.4x speed vs 1.7x speed) but in exchange it has slightly higher base damage (0.9 vs 0.85), a DoT effect and good synergies with other magics (most notably the scribed effect that it gets when combined with ink)

Light has no DoT to speak of and its only “synergies” with other magics are doing less damage to frozen and drained targets.

Pick whichever you think is cooler, but statistically paper is probably better. And this is coming from a light magic user.


Very useful thank you !

paper . Light needs a speed buff

paper is wayy better damage-wise and with other magics, and i dont think the speed difference is big enough to make up for light’s weaknesses