Paradox gamer central

I’d say most of paradox’s games, atleast the ones I’ve played (ck2, eu4 and stellaris) get kind of monotonous after a while unless (or I assume so atleast) you have quite a few major dlcs. Though that doesn’t exactly stop me from playing either way so yeah idk why I’m saying this

Rumours of Ottoman weakness caused Pope Eugene IV to call for a crusade against them in 1443. With the West still embroiled in the Hundred Years War, the King of Hungary and Poland, Wladyslav III, took on the cause to finally expel the scourge of Christendom from Europe. Led by general John Hunyadi, The White Knight, the Hungarian army saw some initial success, but was ultimately defeated. The abdicated Sultan Murad II came back to aid his son and led the Ottoman army to victory at the battle of Varna where King Wladyslav was killed. Peace was eventually signed but the way for further Ottoman expansion into Eastern Europe now lay open…

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hoi4… OOF… outta that phase, tho i did try the Fire Rises mod recently. I’ve been playing a lot of Vic3 and vic2. though i might try stellaris soon it has the paradox disease of having a lot of dlcs… Steamunlocked anyone?

Absolutely not that site is crawling with malware

I got my virtual machines bro we’re Mutahar in this bitch with how i experiment

Just use a safe site instead lol

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cba 2 find the right plug

Am i allowed to post it here

help ive almost finished my first game of stellaris but the last bit of the crisis is currently stuck in an enclave of a fallen empire with closed borders thats seperated from said empire with another empire that the fallen empire cant or wont get through for some reason

isnt there forum DMs…? Help a brother out and let me suck on that pirating teet

invite me too :pray:

all i gotta say is…
cs and rin and ru

Ok its this one

I’ve gotten dlc’s and games from there, no viruses at all. You do need an account to download (i think) but you can get a throwaway email if you care

Same, it’s what i use, never fails

i cant wait for stellaris 4.0 to release i will finally be able to play past year 2250 without lag

Play with 1 fps or no balls