Party teleport staff. when Used by a (Co) leader of a sends everyone in a party a request to teleport to them
Details/background on your proposal
this rare Item would be a limited use item probally found deep into the dark sea (insanity 3+ range)
I am thinking of limiting uses to 1-2.
when clicked it sends a party-invite like message to everyone in the party with the message (playername) is requesting you to teleport to them
this message and the item can only be accepted out of combat to prevent situations where either someone just warps out of battle or someone summons their entire guild to a fight instantly.
another possible limit is to
- make it limited time to accept the teleport request before it is “invalidated”
- make it only usable once (single-use) in dark sea after which it instantly breaks (for rarity was thinking 1/100 in the 3+ insanity range)
Reason to add/change
I believe this would be a useful tool for organizing dark sea expeditions (espicaly if some people die and you really want to continue the expidition) and could allow some interesting guild wars where you have one guy stand back from combat for a bit to allow your guild to get summoned back into the fight