People always will complain

nah I imagine it like an endless infinity soup or broth to put whatever ingredients you can, kinda like running meat in a very hot soup

most people look at the dirt feature and think “wow this is annoying, i wish it was removed”

all the soap thing changes is turning the thought into “wow this is annoying, lemme search through my laggy ass inventory to find the soap to get rid of it”

the “wow this is annoying” is still there

wtf people find X feature annoying with no noticeable improvement to gameplay

let me add another annoying feature to look for to remove the first annoying feature temporarily before you have to deal with again

mf people just want it gone



personally could not give less of a shit about dirt but as for this “solution” it literally doesnt do anything, the people who were complaining already had brig bath available, the complaint was that it looks like complete shit, adds nothing, wastes time, and nobody likes it so it should either have a toggle or be removed, adding a galleon sink to serve the same purpose as brig bath is not going to make people stop complaining

arcane odyssey community in flames after suggestion to bathe

Sounds like a problem with the inventory and not a problem intrinsic to the soap itself. Especially since you can just search for it.


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give credit where credit is due
the most vetex did was say yes you can add soap

people defend dirt like it’s just a thin layer and not 3 tons of mud stuck to their character

It even takes like 15 soaked statuses to clear it all. Irl you dip into the ocean and all sand and dirt is gone INSTANTLY

I’m pretty sure dirt is a nuisance because vanity exists.

Okay, so I put in the effort to make my character look cool and now they look like they haven’t showered in nine months. Bruh.

Like sure it’s “realistic” but at the cost of vanity.

People would probably appreciate little details if it didn’t interfere with something they want.

People like cosmetics after all.

I enjoy fun dialogue talking to random citizens in the world, that’s a bit unrealistic (who would say some random rambling to a stranger they just met???) but immersive (gameplay wise). I don’t complain about some npcs not having dialogue because it doesn’t hurt me and is mostly irrelevant. This is good small details. It rewards those who love to speak to npcs and doesn’t affect those who don’t care. Net positive.

Dirt is mostly irrelevant but is slightly a negative. Like wow I’m dirty and it’s cool that the game accounts for it but now I look worse. It’s so irrelevant that it doesn’t matter that much tho. Except instead of rewarding someone who cares about vanity, it punishes them to constantly be clean. The people who don’t care still don’t care. Net negative.

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i think you’re missing the point

level puts it very well

I will not get to ranting about the pointlessness of hunger/cooking, I will not get to ranting about the pointlessness of hunger/cooking, I will not get to ranting about the pointlessness of hunger/cooking…

Anyway, on the topic of dirt, I personally don’t like it because it builds up so fast and so frequently, yet getting rid of it takes multiple runs through the ocean or Brig Bath… all for the dirt to pile back up after about three-ish minutes if I’m doing anything other than walking around. It’s annoying and hardly anyone I’ve seen likes it, yet it’s staying because it’s considered a cool addition. On one hand, I can see why somebody would want dirt accumulation to stay; it is a neat little detail at the end of the day and is ultimately harmless. I think it makes my characters look atrocious though, but there’s no way to keep dirt off the player for a long period of time. Odds are the player will be at max dirt stacks for most of the game unless they happen to use Water Magic as their primary magic or they feel like taking exactly seven dips in the ocean from time to time as well, which is a bit of an eyesore in cutscenes.

tl;dr Dirt accumulation needs be slowed down considerably and be removed a lot faster for me to think it’s not worth wasting a picket sign over. Maybe that’s how it is for other players, maybe it isn’t.

Not every feature is going to add to gameplay.

Although if Vetex expanded on the filth mechanic to work like Elden Ring (eg. whenever you roll around the poison swamps), then that’d be good. Could play a role in certain areas to make some hazards more deadly.

problem is that dirt accumulation is not a silly harmless little mechanic, it’s an annoying mechanic that ultimately takes away immersion because i’m not the flashy hero that the game is trying to make me seem like, i’m a homeless hobo who needs to take a shower. this is a mechanic that would fit in a completely different aesthetic of game

if it doesn’t add to gameplay then why is it there

Use two techniques and suddenly every spec of dirt and grime in a 50 km radius is magnetized to my body

“You’d be sitting in a design review, and somebody says, “that’s not realistic.” And you’re like, okay […] explain to me why that’s interesting. Because in the real world I have to write up lists of stuff I have to go to the grocery store to buy, and I have never thought to myself that realism is fun. I go play games to have fun.”
- our lord and savior gaben


That argument can be applied to every cosmetic. They don’t add to the gameplay, you might not even use them, but they exist. Only difference between getting dirty and cosmetics is that you aren’t obligated to wear cosmetics. I highly doubt Vetex is going to make soap expensive, and I doubt even more that he’ll get rid of the mechanic, so just use the soap.

Although, after I typed all of that, a better example would probably be battle damage. I don’t remember, but I think wearing armor basically hides/disables the mechanic. I also don’t remember if your clothes also magically mend themselves.

except cosmetics do add to gameplay