People always will complain

someone hasn’t dealt with calvus hiding behind a pillar while charging his infamous 500! 500! 500! attack

Pal I had like 300 failed tries on him during the first playthrough. I learnt about the orbital airstrike attack after like few hours of trying

ok time to go on a massive rant about why I hate dirt

#1: it’s completely inappropriate to the situation half the time

You go to fight an archer who also has access to pure heat magic in the snow on a glacier. You’d have to be a scientist with a magnifying glass to find even a speck of dirt in this setting, and yet after a few seconds of fighting your character is absolutely covered in it. You go to fight a king in his castle, and come out covered in DIRT. DO HIS SERVANTS NEVER CLEAN THE RUG? (yes I know that storywise you just left a month in the mines but it still builds up as you refight him even though it doesn’t make sense also I know that aether magic chars you but you get covered in dirt not ash it’s just not the same) You go to fight a criminal on sandfall, apparently the sand isn’t so sandy because you come out covered in stupid dirt. You go underwater diving, and come out caked with DIRT. Everything in this game feels so disgusting and contaminated because no matter what you do it just blasts you with dirt.

You get into a swordfight with pirates out at sea. One of them shanks you, you get covered head to toe in DIRT. The Strongest Warriors battle in Elysium for honor, but despite the cleanliness of the immaculate marble columns every single one of them looks like a homeless man. You fight a plasma mage, accidentally get hit by a few burning hot blasts, the sheer heat of the plasma covers you in DIRT. It’s at the point where hot magics don’t even feel clean anymore because every single one of them applies an extreme coating of dirt after hitting you. Vetex claims this is for realism and immersion, but it truly is not helping in this department.

#2 it builds up way too fast

I open like 5 chests, and suddenly my character is more dirty than I think I’ve been in my entire life. How??? Are the chests all filled with so much dirt that the moment you open it the decompression causes it to blast you with dirt? One criminal interrupts me while I’m charting so I throw like 10 beams and blasts and suddenly I look like I’ve literally been rolling around in a pig pen. It’s absolutely astounding how I can swim to the ocean floor and come out more dirty than I was when I entered.

#3: it takes to long too clear

Apparently the dirt in this game is like superglue, because clearing it out my jumping in the ocean takes like 3 minutes, and bathing with soap and water takes 3 full scrubs before your character finally looks presentable again. I literally wouldn’t mind it that much if I just had to press E once or hop in the ocean for a second, after all I pretty much just pressed the “Clear Dirt” button. When soap finally drops, it had better not take 3 of them before your character is clean again.


idk man, ever heard of plants or dirt houses? dirt seems like a plenty useful thing.


preach brother

yeah it was both supposed to be a joke and somewhat of a criticism but it came off more as snarky so sorry for that

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to long too clear :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

I think the best example of this issue is screenshake.
Screenshake is another feature that was added because Vetex finds it cool, and NO ONE has EVER complained about screenshake, do you know why?
Because it’s optional
If you want to experience screenshake, you can, if you don’t want to experience screenshake, you can opt out. And that’s what makes it a good feature. Dirt is the complete opposite, since it’s forced.


adding onto this, screenshake is simply cool, it makes your attacks feel powerful
dirt feature is not cool, you just look fucking homeless
they are not the same

Some people like screenshake, some don’t, same thing with dirt, the important part is that one is optional and the other isn’t

Ok i am going to be very honest here. This is a critique, not meant to be overly constructive.

We know that vetex is stubborn. We have seen in the past that he doesnt take criticism very well and that he gets defensive in response. This also means that he doubles down, argues and other such things.

With something as small as this, it’s a miracle we even got a solution, since this is kind of insignificant. Vetex will most likely never touch the dirt again, since he got loads of backlash even though he implemented a solution, just because it reminded people of it (and suntanning).

At the core of this, We should just be happy that we got a solution at all for something that at its core, does not matter whatsoever. It is purely a cosmetic feature after all

I think the best way to deal with things moving forward is just try to word things in the nicest way possible, since it will have a higher chance of being taken into account as constructive feedback instead of senseless insults.

Yeah, it feels like none of my choices in AO matter. I wish there was some branch of a good and evil storyline. That’s the only good thing WoM had…

I only felt like gameplay mattered when my boy Edward pulled up to the gulag but that was for like 12 seconds of screentime

Honestly imma just make an idea for a storyline offshoot where, after Ravenna chapter (and maybe even later), you come back to kill the nobles, maybe merciful would have you stealthily kill them and only them while ruthless allowed you to murder guards and stuff too

Edward was such a bro that he makes his 20 fishing quest actually feel rewarding.

He is easily my favorite bro. (my favorite characters are often minor character with a few or even a single moment that makes me love them after all.)

(Plus, since the game is open-world, some long side quest chains (Maya seems like she’d come back again, the lady with the kingdom dream) would be amazing for world building since some quests are even reputation locked/encouraged for one side or another.)

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I do admit that we all need to be more appreciative that we got a solution, but imo this gets into the vague territory of “enough.”

At what point should we be satisfied with the game? at what point do a game’s negative quirks become “a part of the game’s identity”?

I don’t know.

But I do know that I want this game to be better, and so I will voice my complaints as I need to. Because, if I really had a big problem with this game, I’d stop playing.

I do 100% agree about being more civil. We must be professional to actually sound like we know what we are talking about and not some scrub that is just mad.

Okay, but… why?
it’s not like every Ravenna royal is corrupt or a member of the order
maybe it’d work for a merciless run but I don’t see a merciful character killing a bunch of people who probably did nothing wrong because of like 4 bad apples

Never said you’d murder all of them
Maybe it’d have you find information for which ones are good and which ones are bad

Or maybe the 10 hours of watching shadow of mordor are getting to me