People who've bought a headless,

do you exist? And, if so, what did you trade for the headless

The fair price for a headless right now would be around 60 Halloween Seasonals, or 25 Sunken Chestplates, or 30-40ish sunkens. Litteraly everyone gets them by lowballing or scamming nowadays


can you show some instances of that?

I’m no trader, ask any actually renowned trader, like @Nuclearman7

i traded my head

You could have cut off your head, that would have been a free headless, and trade your beheaded head for another one for 2 headlesses

I traded for mine right before they exploded in wom, gave a hard sunken helm and strong sunken sword

rn headlesses are valued at like 60-70 halloween/american seasonals altho people usually want overpays so youll likely have to offer 80+
it also ofc depends on which seasonals youre offering since for example halloweds are seen as 2x as valuable as other halloween seasonals and for some reason american seasonals are seen as less valuable than halloweens

you could also try trading sunkens but that prolly wont work cuz youll need large amounts and people generally want seasonals more than sunkens atm
Overall, AnUnoriginalUsername’s comment isnt far off (especially with that last part)

I was hoping you’d give specific examples of headless trades

You spelt my name with one letter wrong sir :mariomug:
You shall pay for thy sins.

There’s litteraly none, I think Dibs bought a headless for 9 or 10 sss a month or two ago? But litteraly everyone has to lowball or scam nowadays, headlesses are ridiculously costy.

I perssonaly think the reasons their price is so high, is on top of the rarity and exclusivity, we currently have nothing actually rare and useful in the game. All the boss, scrolls and etc are relatively easy to get, and sunkens are just boring, useless in alot of builds, and most of all, easily macroable.
Overall I think that when thing like Lost, Ancient Spells/Techniques/Fighting Styles/Magic Scrolls come out you can maybe buy a headless with some. Since I think most people hoard them to buy rare things easily in a few years time, since there’s really no point of having multiple headlesses lying in your inv, unless you really like collecting or want the braging rights.

Lowballing still counts

That’s stupid, since if you lowball, you can litteraly trade anything for a headless. Heck, I’ve seen people buy Headless from unaware returning player for a few thousand galleons

This is just to get an accurate picture of what headlesses really get sold for or have gotten sold for in the past. If most people get headlesses by lowballing, and the fair price isn’t actually what they tend to get sold for, then just knowing the fair price isn’t worth much

Because lowballing isn’t sold? In the actual marketplace you’ll never see headlesses sold for a few boss drops, lowballing happens with randoms in game.

If “everyone gets them by lowballing or scamming”, but headlesses aren’t sold in lowball trades, then are you saying that everyone gets them by scamming?

I’ve left forums for a month and I’m seeing 30 sunken for a headless bro what’s happened

Huge playerbase, tons of macroers, lot’s of people wanna be rich

because there’s no such thing as a lowball trade, a lowball is when you send a bad trade to someone in game because they don’t know the values, in that case, anything can be traded for a headless