Personal tracking

This post is a small flex and a way for me to keep track of how many different valuable items I have.
Now this post is to track everything relevant about my build, items, skills, titles and so on.

I thought about making a google spreadsheet or something but decided to make it here as it seems to fit the category and I really like the forum (design wise) so I want more interaction with it.

>Navigation notes

Note for traders: if you are interested in what I have, it is very unlikely I will trade it unless there will be an overpay offer or something I really need and cant find myself. (CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR SUNKENS THAT I DONT HAVE)

No distinguishing between rare scrolls/weapons and normal scrolls/weapons.
Example: Vindicator is a rare item, but it is a non-boss weapon drop, therefore it is in Non-boss valuables->Weapons

Nothing is said about enchants on weapons/armor/accessories. Felt like that would be too much pain to write it down.

“>” symbol is used to separate multiple Hide Details functions. The more of those symbols there are in a function’s name, the deeper the function is.(if there is a better way to do that please tell me)

Whatever is not documented is considered irrelevant. As more content comes, more items (like boss drops) will be considered irrelevant, and therefore, wiped from this record.

>>>Skills, builds and titles

Cooking - Perfect
Brewing - Perfect
Jewelcrafting - Perfect



Class: Warrior



Left to right:
Strong Scimitars of Storm, Strong Atlantean Spear, Strong Plunderers

Top to Bottom, Left to Right:
Powerful Power amulet, Strong Ravenna Apostle Pauldrons with 2 Candelaria-blocking power/aspeed gems, Strong Grey Ravenna Apostle Bracelets with 2 Candelaria-blocking power/aspeed gems,
Hard Cernyx’s Sleveless Robe with 2 Candelaria-blocking power/aspeed gems, Hard Cernyx’s Boots with 2 Candelaria-blocking power/aspeed gems.

Boat: Brig


Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
Armored Light Silver Framing, Archaic Warship Sailcloth, Teal Silhouette Sails
Edward Kenton, Enizor, Sailors
Oil Lanterns, Metallic Skull Figurehead
Strong Iron Culverins, Brisk Bronze Mortars, Hard Hammerhead Ram
4x Strong Harpoon Gun.


Ramsey - Legendary Speed Deckhand, Master Cannoneer
Knowles - Legendary Speed Deckhand, Master Navigator
Paul - Legendary Turning Speed Deckhand, Master Enchanter
Floyd - Legendary Turning Speed Deckhand, Master Shipbuilder


Bronze Sea Explorer - :white_check_mark:
Bronze Sea diver - :white_check_mark:
Nimbus Sea diver - :white_check_mark:
Expert Angler - :white_check_mark:
Master Angler - :x:
True Captain - :white_check_mark:

>>>Non-boss valuables

Staff - 1
Sword - 1
Iron Boots - 1
Iron Armor - 1
Warrior Chestplate - 1

>Reagents and Catalysts

Legendary scale - 6
Interchange Potion - 1
Dark Sea Essentia - 8
White Eyes Scale - 7

>Ship parts

Hammerhead Ram Blueprint - 2 (1 using)
Archaic Sailcloth - 7 (1 using)
Dragonfire Carronades Blueprint - 10
Ruined Archaic Hull Blueprint - 9
Silver Framing Blueprint - 3
Light Silver Framing Blueprint - 2 (1 using)
Light Bronze Hull Blueprint - 4


Poison Tooth Dagger - 4
Scald Tooth Dagger - 1
Siren Bow - 3
Vindicator - 16
Atlantean Spear - 1 (1 using)
Atlantean Cutlass - 4


Strong - 7
Hard - 22
Armored - 4
Powerful - 0
Virtuous - 5
Dense - 4
Charged - 12
Hasty - 9
Agile - 7
Brisk - 1
Enhanced - 4
Reinforced - 9
Warship - 5
Ardent - 8
Tempered - 3
Ensnaring - 1
Toughened - 1
Healing - 5
Piercing - 5
Resilient - 3
Goldsight - 2
Fortune - 1

>Halloween 2020 - 8/16

Bat Wings Headband - 1
Yellow Hallowed II - 1
Pumpkin Fedora - 1
Candy Corn Beanie - 1
Dark Omen Mask - 2
Head Wrappings - 1
Purple Mini Cauldron - 1
Death Crown - 2

Easter 2023 - 22/22
Easter 2024 - 22/22


Galleons - ~16,000
Worth - ~1,283,592

>>>Boss valuables
>>Story bosses
>Lord Elius

Collared Cape - 4
Shroud - 4
Ravenna Noble Armor - 5
Ravenna Noble Boots - 7
Stormcaller - 1
Scimitars of Storm - 1 (1 using)
Noble Thunderspear - 3

>General Argos

Lion of Ravenna Helmet - 1
Cape of Ravenna Loyalty - 6
Lion of Ravenna Armor - 1
Bronze Chainmail Shirt - 3
Lion of Ravenna Leggings - 4
Lance of Loyalty - 3
Lion’s Halberd - 1

>Lady Carina

Ravenna Apostle Faulds - 3
Ravenna Apostle Pauldrons - 5 (1 using)
Ravenna Apostle Bracelets - 4 (1 using)
Ravenna Apostle Gi - 0
Ravenna Apostle Leggings - 8

>King Calvus

The Lost Crown of Ravenna - 2
Mantello of Ravenna’s Fallen King - 4
Ravenna Fallen King Armor - 2
Ravenna Fallen King Boots - 4
Triasta of Bronze - 4

>Captain Maria

Captain Maria’s Hat - 1
Captain Maria’s Cape - 0
Captain Maria’s Cloak - 1
Captain Maria’s Boots - 0
Thalassi - 1
Plunderers - 1 (1 using)

>>Side Bosses

Cernyx’s Faulds - 2
Archon Quartz Amulet - 3
Cernyx’s Sleeveless Robe - 5 (1 using)
Cernyx’s Boots - 4 (1 using)

>Commodore Kai

Commodore Kai’s Sabre - 2

>Architect Merlot

Sanguine - 11
Silent Blades - 3

Update note (25.03.2025):
Started playing AO again. Thyloss crossing chart please drop i want 100% :sob:
Probably wont last even a month, i’ve been jumping games randomly


use your scrolls :sob:

…on what?

holy shit i forgot this existed

1 Like

im back!

You seem to be using arcanium bracelets, if this is for the power, try getting a blasted arcsphere then add Power jewels (whatever fits your style) and use a powerful scroll is what I recommend. If your using it for extra intensity, then forget everything I’ve just said.

im running both bracelet and arcsphere, btw the modifiers are half of a t1 right? that means a defence one is a small bit better than a power one if we take the player level scaling (btw its probably even more defence-sided now)

Ah, got it.

And just realised, I might of necro bumped.

i did it first and i dont mind

Yes, the blasted does give less then the frozen, For a reference Blasted gives 0.5 power every 10 levels and frozen gives 4.5 defense every 10 levels. (Might not be entirely accurate) so if it was for base power and defense at the same time, frozen would be better.

Took a second look and damn those stats are neat.

no? the Power to Defence Ratio is 1–>9

.5/4.5 is 1/9 idk what you are yapping about

how do you have full legendary deckhand with master i spend so long bro and I get nothing/their loyalty increases by .1 XP

The loaylty increases depending on the item’s worth, so higher lvl items and stuff will give more loyalty

one day i will update this… one day (probably summer)

I updated this!!!
should i write down all the relevant modified items (which ones i have no idea)

Lol, it’s funny how everyone has like a million vindicators

I didnt document them at one point, they were too common, now i have them because of weapon wipe