Petition to remove weapon equip delay

i love automatically losing all damage trades to non weapon classes

  • remove weapon equip delay
0 voters


the heck is that



not as insane as this

this is planned


balance doc I think

it’s been on the balance doc for months

On top of only being added while in combat presumably.


istg it’s worse this update

and this just shows vetex is adamant on keeping it for some goofy reason

I assume its mostly for “realism” because weapons are clunky things while 2 magics is just thinking about it

I have lost fights because of it and I think it should just be instant at this point

what if the higher your points in weapons are, the faster equipping speed you have. this will give warriors an edge over conjurers and savants

you equip weps twice as fast in combat now

while this makes sense at some point it ends up capping because you can only get so skilled at moving a weapons fast (unless like tiers make it more condensed metal or something)

maturing is realizing the devs hate warrior

yeah and what if we also gave mages and berserkers have straight up more atk speed than their hybrid counter parts that would be good for the balance of the game