Picture taken moments before disaster struck

context. my wifi shut off allowing for this picture.

Hop off wom


no :smiling_imp:

Yes or no ?


I am sorry but I must use this illegal (and OP) Water Conjurer Gun on you :gun:

mmmmmm. Water. I use rising tide + raging storm on you.
132+58*7 damage taken.
and you bleeding

My Raging Storm does 72 per hit

you doing 634 strength build perhaps?
I’ll bow spam you while you soft-locked

If someone uses 634 glass cannon just get iron magic 806-914 it will literally stun luck them

i killed a 634 strength build with my 860 strength build.

Cold world. (A hurricane hit me)

4.3 million ping once

Why are you a maid?..

maid cat girl :nod:

you good ?

the maid cat girl bella graves magic council comission :clueless:

??? what???

ah. but why?