Pier building system

Pier building system
effort 3.4 5 quality 4.25 4 reasonability 4.333333333333333 6
Clan anchor

this version of a claiming flag is used to “capture” part of the sea. It will give you an area of the sea that scales on your infamy level. An anchor is obtainable from Thorin for 2,500 galleons.

Pier building system

On claimed parts of the sea, you can place two types of flooring: rock flooring with a wood top and a stone pillar going down to the ocean floor, and wood flooring with thin wooden pillars at the corners.
Special items you can only place on piers include:

  • Fishing station (works like crew fishing, you can collect fish by interacting with a fish box next to the station, these do not fish out treasure)
  • Harpoons and other ship attachments of that sort (works as it does on a ship)
  • Fish tank (also works as it does on brigs)
  • Lookout (has two variants: tower and ground, they both have a spyglass that lets you see further placed on it)
  • Storage container (keeps cargo and sealed chests at the ready for delivery or use)
More Details
  • if you have territory on in the map UI, your clan logo will show at the center of your pier but not the extra circle
  • on bounty boards, if you look at someone’s position while they are on their pier, it will say “on (clan name placeholder)'s pier” instead of “sailing in the bronze sea”
  • the rest of the system works like normal clan islands do and you can build anything you can on clan islands except farms (if they add those, I don’t know)

Why add?
I think that with the Empires update, I wanted to make my own version of Sailor’s lodge or whatnot, and I also thought other people might want to make above-water structures. These could serve as a nice spawn point for dark sea expeditions, a hangout for fellow clan members, and a good area for fish farming or sea monster hunting.

I like feedback :slight_smile:


maybe this is how that settlements thing will work for underwater structures

Will there be a limit to the amount you can build though? One per clan?

yeah, probably

it would be odd to have the entire clan take over the seas

maybe only the clan leader can build it as well as an island base

i had this exact idea yesterday

do not what?

I meant to say “fish out treasure”
I fixed it, my bad

genuinely really decent lol

freshie spotted above me

seems pretty cool i could see some uses for it

Being able to make your own Sailors Lodge actually sounds pretty fun.

I think the Clan Anchor should be purchasable straight from the building menu though. No reason to make players go to a northern island in the Bronze Sea just to get one (or a few).

I also think there should be some limitations to where you could place it in the sea so it doesn’t interrupt anything (e.g. forest of masts introductory custscene, right ontop of a sea chart, using it to ambush people doing the story).

Pls, i love sailor’s lodge and this will make it easier to do sea stuff (merchant npcs should be available for this pier exclusively and the agora should mention it as a new sailors hub)

thanks system