Get as much fun out of it as possible (and possibly shape my PVP skills whilst I’m at it)
Berserker gets three fighting styles total
mage, warlock, and maybeeeee conjurer
wind and on another file i want vampirism
guilds and the arena and dark sea
1v1nning and infamy getting
I have 8 files atm so here we go
- First file: Warlord with a bit of Magic sprinkled in, JUST A LITTLE
Second and Fifth file: Conjurer
Third, Fourth and Sixth file: Warlock
Seventh file: Mage
Eighth file: Paladin
– - First file: Probably Thermo Fist? (It has plasma) and maaagics uuuh, probably metal and earth rock variation?
Second file: No fighting style, but magics? Probably snow and light
Third file: Knocking fist probs, magics Magma and Poison
Fourth file: No fighting style, magics lightning and crystal
Fifth file: No fighting style, magics sand and wood
Sixth file: Karate, magics fire and shadow
Seventh file: Mage build so magics will be sand and glass
Eighth file: Sailor fist, magics water and metal (rose variation)
Not gonna think bout lost magics
- First file: Old Greatsword
Second file: Rapier
Third file: Wooden Club
Fourth file: Claws
Fifth file: Spear (if it isnt on AO then the wooden staff)
Sixth file: Old Great Axe
Eighth file: Dual Flintlocks
- First file: Power
Second file: Intensity (basically Knockback)
Third file: Power
Fourth file: Magic size
Fifth file: Agility
Sixth file: Defense
Seventh file: Magic speed
Eighth file: Power
- Dark sea
- Destroying frostmill with my 4 bad rep files, explore, explore and enjoy the storyline
I wrote the entire Bible
We’re only getting 2 upon release. 1 base and the 2nd after awakening
for another file:
Warrior or Knight
Shield, only shields
Defense, Power, and maybe Attack Size if it’s viable enough.
same as before
same as before
same as before
make omega and grind infamy
become incredibly wealthy
All of them.
All of them.
All of them.
All of them.
All of them.
idk but it was really concise and a lot better formatted and would’ve gotten me what i was looking for, which was the number of people going for a specific thing/what magics, fighting styles, weapons, features, etc. are the most popular
As for my main build, I plan to be an earth magic Paladin.
I dont think I’ll ever use 3-5 magics effectively so I decided vitality buffs would be better for me.
I plan to take metal as a second magic as it will buff earth and work better as a dmg punish (also a tester said the metal resistance mode was like 80%, so that + vitality buffs will be nice for me).
The balance of stats I want is about 50% magic size, 25% dmg, 25% defense. The percentages might alter later, but this is my current plan. I already have bursting sunken armor and legs readied for AO.
I’m really looking forward to cargo trading honestly. I am going to try and get the biggest boat in every update and brim it with weapons and armor, no matter how slow it gets, and eventually name it “The Mountain”.
I’m also looking forward to PvP and the Dark Seas ofc.
Favorite island so far is the insanity one, what a cool idea.
chad non-meta
snow and water (or wind)
power and a lil intensity
redwake ngl
boss farming or fishing
probs everyone
My main file’s goal is to actively go against the meta and use the shittiest things (whilst still using skill issue proof items like sunken)
can’t see the whole thing due to the size but a few months ago I did a poll on it. Got like 70 people to fill out information on it, including this.
Most popular builds in order were:
- Mage (20)
- Warlock (17)
- Conjurer (15)
- Paladin (5)
- Savant (4)
- Warrior (4)
- Berserker (4)
- Knight (2)
- Juggernaut (1)
- Warden (0)
- Warlock (0)
Sure opinions have changed with more reveal of weapon skill n stuff from here and now, this poll was literally taken like 10* months ago, but still I’d figure this is an accurate representation of what builds people are more likely to lean towards though I still feel like it won’t be that rare to find a Warlock or Warden, maybe Warden because who goes pure vitality anyways
Anyways that’s to answer your question of how many people should be going for what builds, though again I’d say this is out of date so take it with a grain of salt
Magic-based builds are definitely more popular because i suppose they just seem cooler than weapons and fighting styles. Also because we’ve seen magic a lot more and the current weapons are a disappointment
Ig it’s no surprise warden got 0 votes, with its current speculated awakening boosts it really has nothing at all going for it not even a gimmick that makes it stand out or anything (might change once vetex decides what he wants to do with it)
Warlord I’m kinda surprised about though, seems like a pretty cool/viable build with decent awakenings