Plasma can’t be used in water…

WoM = continent = land = reasonable debuff
AO = ocean = water = this debuff better get kinda sorta changed

okay :ok_hand:

So cant: Ice, fire, magma, light, shadow, and plasma


Alrighty my guy?

But can’t you just, not engage in fights underwater? It’s not like you can still grab your Musket and shoot whoever is underwater, and besides, going Pure Mage or Paladin build still allows you to pick another magic, so just pick a magic that is a good Plasma replacement?

unless we get submarines and underwater mobs this wont matter
(pvp in water will just be the other person drowning)

submarines in 1800 unreal and ah yes iris underwater

any magic but wood or crystal is a good replacement lol

f i r e

plasma sucks so pretty much everything is a good plasma replacement

untrue plasma’s status effect cant be put out, and its fast with an ok size

the only one of those things that matter in pvp is size and magic doesnt matter in pve

size doesnt matter either, the speed makes up for it anyways

0.2x faster in AO, and can cause petrification with explosion. it also wins more clashes so if ur fighting someone with a specific magic it might win it (it also wins against fire)

also its 0.05x smaller and only around 0.1x less dmg
oh and also better synergies

0.2x is a pretty big difference my guy

the only other way (that i know of) to petrify is 33% dmg with ash

ok so both fire and plasma petrify then, and if a fire user fought a plasma user the plasma user would probably win.
Scorched also cant be put out by water so the opponent cant just step into a puddle and remove 1/4 of the dmg

dot is dogshit

that’s a lot of magics, not just plasma

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by a very small amount. it just depends what magic they like better, i personally like plasmas effects better

plasma mid