Plasma - Representing Curiosity


Ou ou ou ou this might be my favorite one. The pose, the colors, and the stars like background.

My curiosity and to shoot that person with the purist form of Plasma

was very hard to find a concept for it but now i know why the color variations are purple and red
when i think of purple plasma i think of the plasma ball
then when i see red plasma i think of blood plasma which i just realized thats a thing…

Oh wow… you’re totally right. I believe I heard of blood plasma before too.

verdies would like to know your location



Again,amazing job as usual!

D: oh no
20 characters

missed opportunity for a verdies reference. rip

oMg ThEsE pEoPlE cAn SiT?! hAx

Ngl the background looks like a meteor shower.

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Crystal representing beauty? just an idea :>

I like how there are flying turtles in the background. Please keep up the good work artists!

f-flying turtles!!!

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You know it’s just a joke no need to take it seriously. I post these kind of comments in art sections which is just to tell them that its good work I guess.

I have no clue why I post these comments. That is the truth. Oh and good work btw!

Daang, I love that texture, especially the grain on the moon oo: it gives it so much personality on top of the already beautiful artwork

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yoooo that background looks pretty sick aswell as the character too

Ohhh that would explain the flying sushi! Thank you for clearing that up :sweat_smile:

:sweat: heh heh heh… Heh heh…

I love this.