Please add a way to reduce the ambiance volume

In the game there are currently ways to change the volume of the music and sound effects, but there is NO way to reduce the ambiance noise whatsoever.

As someone who has fished for over 70 hours already, I can say for certain it would be much appreciated if you add a way to reduce ambiance volume because I already play the game with music at 0% (even with how much I enjoy it) and SFX at 200% and max PC volume so I can hear the bobber while watching youtube videos but it gets really annoying when the ambiance is just so loud I just have to turn it down to protect my ears from the constant onslaught that is the ocean noise.

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PLEASE VETEX, I want the Ambiance Volume Control seperate PLEASE!

Why does ambience not already have this feature?

I honestly couldn’t tell you…

its not really a hard or game changing suggestion I just think its essential to be able to reduce and alter all volumes in the game and not have to just mute the entire game just to mute one aspect of it.

I hope this gets more traction cause i honestly think there should more settings options.

it fr needs to be seen by vetex because I know its not the hardest thing to add, just quality of life

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