Please answer as many as you can

Im fairly new to the game. Level 96 and ive wanted to ask some burning questions that i long to be answered.

  1. Is there a setup guide for each level? like level 90 you get this and at level 120 you get that. Its really helpful
  2. Which is better for quartermaster. the old wizard from the iceberg town or the other lad that you do from fishing quest.
  3. when you ram a ship and it sinks, does it count towards the sink a ship quest or does it just have to be with cannon balls.
  4. I have caravel right now but i wanted to get ketch but i got told to stick with caravel till i get brig but i really need more space for cargo
    5.Whats the best 2 weapons and gun to go with lightning/ice :hot_face: :cold_face:
  5. Whats the best start to get galleons for brig (im part of grand navy and i rlly dont wanna reset my influence unless its really necessary)
  6. How can i make the most amount of money from cargo. I heard that the longer the distance the more the money but is there any other factors?

Thanks for youre time the answers are greatly appreciated

not really, but an easy thing you could do would just be to pick a stat and use the highest giving armour you have right now

if you get a ketch you can have both anyway, but it’s edward

should count

get a ketch, rams aren’t as important as everyone tells you


explosive barrels can also be sold for more than regular cargo crates

Is the longer distance thing about cargo true tho? so like from frostmill all the way down to sailors is way better than frostmill to palo


There isn’t really a setup guide, but it’s generally encouraged to buy iron armour once you reach level 50. (also it’s a good idea to get the vermillion bracelet when you’re at frostmill since it’s quite a good early game item) (also if you’re struggling with calvus, I recommend you get elius armour)

if you don’t have a ketch, it’s probably better to have edward. he gives more defense. (if you’re at sailor’s lodge or something, it’s probably good to switch to enizor since that place doesn’t have an enchanter.)(but at that point most people already have a ketch, so then you can equip both)


yeah, you should probably get the ketch, since it’s faster, has more space, more deckhand slots, a second quartermaster slot and more health

sunken sword, greenwish staff and the musket

simply do treasure charts or dark sea range 1 runs, or do cargo runs

simply do a cargo route from redwake to ravenna

Am i not gonna be targeted by the soldiers once i get to ravena or is that only at the fort?

As long as you’ve completed the story up to Windrow island, you’ll automatically get a disguise when you go to Ravenna

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ohhhhhh thank you

To add: if you haven’t been to ravenna yet then you can complete the story up until the quest in tiberia and still be able to be on the island as normal with no disguise or guards after you.

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Im just about to go meet ravenna as a quest. Im just at school rn lol so not until later

right now i dont have any tips, nor do any setups exist

in the beginning edward kenton is better (the fishing quester) because of its base stats, if youre stuck on an island without an enchanter however (sailors lodge for example) you can use enizor (iceberg lettuce town guy)

is it your ship?
did you sink it?
did you deal the final blow?
then it counts towards the quest

please stay with caravel, ketch is kinda useless becuase no ram nor siege weapon

sunken sword, anything misc (such as shields n shit) and musket/(dual)flintlock

get to lvl 136, get to sameria (nimbus sea) and theres a merchant there selling gems
pro tip: get bones/seaweed
craft the gems into jewels and sell it back to the merchant, then server-hop and check each merchant in each server for the gem stock

yeah, the cash you gain caps at at 130 (so at max 80 galleon stonks since you buy cargo for 50)

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