please be careful i traded for a sunken staff 2 days ago now i realiszed it has no skills i didnt play alot this update i forgot that they can be removed ive been scammed please be careful
Who would even do such a thing? Fury of the Sea can only be used by the sunken staff so why take it off?
new fear unlocked: press shift to view weapons at all times
but damn, sucks to be you
prob some 9 year old who got lucky and wanted to scam others for the fun of it
to scam
can’t you just… put on new skills?
fury of the sea is exclusive but it’s not that amazing iirc
What did you trade to get this sunken staff
wdym to scam there’s literally nothing you can put fury of the sea on that isn’t a sunken staff, so trading away the staff and keeping the skill is just useless
they got items worth a sunken staff for a slightly worse sunken staff, its not useles but its still bad
no it straight up is because even if you keep fury of the sea, there’s literally NOTHING that you can use said attack skill for
i heard of this before, they take off the skill to scam people and then they sell the actual skill because they want to gouge people out even more
it’s sickening.
the only reason the skill has ANY value is because of these staffs floating around
can’t wait until vetex doesn’t let us trade items with exclusive skills without having the exclusive skills
because there are empty sunkens, there is a demand for the sunken weapons’ skills, so now there’s more opportunities for people to make money off of sunkens.
it’s literally just disgusting technicalities.
imo make sunken skills unremovable from sunkens
What is wrong with these people???
not a single day can pass without me losing more faith in humanity
we should be able to generate new skills
yeah maybe either a trainer that can teach us all possible skills that a weapon can have
or just automatically restore the weapon back to its og state if its traded without its “exclusive skill(s)”
Really, someone did that not even for profit, but just to mess up the day for some guy.