PLEASE buff kai sabre/scimtars

they have the start up of a geriatric 110 year old buddist monk, their hitbox is smaller than a pea, so anyone dashing away instinctively or magic jumping will easily avoid them, they have the forward range equivilant to throwing a table, and their endlag is easily punishable by these fucking ao pvp gods who can parry shining cycle :skull:

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I’m pretty sure they have that endlag for a reason so it’s not spammable and ridiculous

In fact, do y’all remember the days when mirrored river and flash strike didn’t have a shared cooldown?

yes I remember, and they were actually good. They weren’t even broken, the community just has a hate boner for these weapons. Like how is thermo warlord/warlock still completely fine, meanwhile conjurer just keeps getting shit on. Vetex didn’t even fix the synergies lmao

I can agree that people seem to make a bigger deal out of these weapons than what they need to be but tbh being able to double dash was pretty annoying.

rest in peace ice conjurer homies

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frr, im still doing no extra damage after applying acid with my imbuded moves, or burning with gels

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vetex should give wind conjurers the biggest buff in AO history

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Mind you pvp isnt the main focus of the game. Its mostly storyline and pve and in those regards they’re fine but pvp balancing is a nightmare so the current state of the weapons may not be the final. As well as weapons getting new skills this update it might shake the meta

one day these weapons will get 3rd skills, 4th skills, and ultimates.

It’s not tho? It’s getting nerfed. You clearly just got your ass kicked by someone and are biased now.

Double/Triple TPs WERE op, that’s a fact

it’s not tho? you clearly just got your ass kicked by someone and are bias now

I really don’t understand what you’re talking about

No one EVER said Thermolord or Thermolock is fine, it’s broken that’s a fact and everyone knows this. And you come here and say that balancing is acting as if it’s fine? There’s a 13 page doc of planned balancing with numerous thermo nerfs in it, go inform yourself.

And yes, TP spam was very much broken, and Scimitars/Sabre are still very good, basically any warrior or weapon hybrid uses one of them, unless in very niche cases.
If you can’t land Mirrored River with it’s absurd range or Flying Slash with it’s absurd projectile size, I’m sorry but you just gotta learn to aim.

if the manage to MAGIC JUMP over it, that means they were barely inside the AoE, you should’ve waited to be closer, who knew that an (somewhat) self aoe move needed you to be close?

Mirrored River with same agility builds can go further than most Crashes.

Every skill in the game has a startup and endlag, tps ones are actually pretty low.

Why are you complaining about some perfectly good weapons, more than good actually, while they are weapons like mace or sword (non-sunken) that are nothing short of useless?

oh you use agility, explains why you have a horrible opinion :yawning_face: stop talking ape

I don’t use agility? I’m just talking about it. The truth is you have no actual arguments so you’re insulting randomly.
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the looser” -Socrates


Kai Sabre and Scimitars of Storm are very good weapons, along with Greenwish Staff, PTD, etc

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bro you literally only get hit by scimtars/kai sabre if you’re standing still lmao

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I know this might be mind breaking for you, but no, they have an aoe. And even if it was tiny (it’s not the case) there’s something called endlag, Mirrored River is excellent for punishing endlags

and flying slash has quite a big aoe, it is quite slow tho, nothing a fast imbue or a big of attack speed can’t fix

only good for punishing endlag if your opponent is standing directly next to you (They are not)