Please, for the love of God

Remove this feature/the ability to do this, or add a feature to filter dm notifications from certain @'s, whatever is possible.

I don’t get why we’re allowing literally ANYONE with TL1 (I think??) The option to message a group with over 100 people. I get idiots who can’t read the instructions in my messages almost biweekly because they clicked on “message” on the artist group instead of “request to join” (message as in message all artists. Each and every single one of them.)

If there is no available solution anymore then just remove me from Artists. I never really post anymore anyway :+1:

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Now I will do it for purpose, thanks mate

Thank you for saying this, I feel the exact same way. When I get a message, I’m expecting it to be something important from one singular individual—not for it to essentially be a topic I’m forced to follow.

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