Please rate my scrambled eggs

Its made with sausage bits, onions, cilantro, salt, milk, shredded cheese, and eggs (duh)

I’m not the best chef but I’ve wanted to get into cooking for somewhat cringey reasons (one of my OCs is canonically a god level chef and I thought that it could be fun to learn how to cook as well)


it looks edible

I guess thats important

you shouldve sprinkled more charcoal into the eggs

Looks really good, I dislike how the cheese ain’t melted though

Tbh I added the cheese last minute since i didnt have the right kind

I’ll try to figure out how to melt it better next time

it looks like scrambled eggs
good job

need bigger portion (im american)

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man these sarcastic responses bumming me out bruh

nobody respects cooking around here smh

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Not bad for (presumably) your first try, but why did you include shredded cheese?

Delicacy, would’ve eaten the whole plate.

it looks pretty good
would eat

thats really good, i love how you added the leaf on top for some color difference

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thank you :people_hugging:

Looks pretty good to eat, I barely make lunch, but I heavily make deserts instead. :frcryin:

Should’ve added cephalopods and shell fish to the dish, then you would really be cooking heat.

man I live in a landlocked state that stuff is expensive

(also sounds kinda… gross in scrambled eggs)

this looks like the 200 dollar appetizer they’d serve at a 5 star restaurant
(it looks good)

it looks excessively expensive.

dont like ketchup on egg neither does it look that edible to me, 1/10

a 1 out of 10 for this is generous

though remove the ketchup and add some rice itd be a 10/10, atleast for me :yum: