Please stop... in all seriousness, stop

I highly doubt this is anywhere near the most effective way to farm considering you have no idea if they’ll even drop any, and you have to deal with agility / high def builds.

Also, screw you if you do this.

…I have a feeling that it was that CC guy who made an entire thread about rking low levels.

gosh darn, that guy sounds cool

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nope, that one experience is the whole reason i do cargo

ehh i wouldn’t say it’s quite as profitable as cargo

join the grand navy :policeman:

You just know who to target

shouldve just recorded and gotten their asses banned, if someone is witch hunting using the same account then its pretty easy to get them in trouble with the mods

Lmfao no

Maybe killing players without a poster will make them drop no galleons?

It’s impossible when everyone is max level these days

another thing about this mf is his coward behavior, when he witch hunted me, he called up his friends and they were ganking me randomly, i didn’t know who was attacking and who wasn’t, and i couldn’t get solid evidence of him witchhunting me. whoever this guy is, he deserves to be burned alive, but went to fucking law school

Not every max level will be out to kill you. If you go in a server with mr timmy2016 who has 0 kills and joe222 whose guild description literally says "please dont gank :pray: :pleading_face: " do you think they’d kill you? Just find servers where the max levels are good rep, low on player kills or very obviously show that they have actually showered in the last 2 weeks.

Also if you want to stop half of your ganks, just become a grand navy player. This means that not a single good rep can attack you anymore + you get a mini personal bank (kinda shit though)



it aint that deep

That dick of a person is named @Catzo . After a member of crimson crescent got his ass handed by a level 53 he got salty and made a whole thread about killing low levels and ships

this mf kept witchhunting me until i lost all my money, so too fucking late

this is especially problematic because if ur like bugged or something in the sky and NEED to reset you lose galleons for no reason

get evidence of ALL of them witchhunting you.
find the thread that ties them all together.

let it be guild, friends list, or something else.
Once you find that, it won’t matter how many there are.

If you can, get them to admit to it bragging about how “smart” they are.

I agree. Or atleast do this for players who kill you without your bounty. That would probably reduce rking to only opposite reps to you, as there’s no incentive, and even a penalty for same rep players attacking eachother.

:no_mouth: that is not me

I remembered you at the pvp area bombing you I think