Pokemon stats to AO stats

im making a build based on a pokemon, so…

HP → Defense, self-explained
Attack → Power, self-explained
Special Attack → Intensity, since it increase dot which are mostly caused by magics
Defense → Attack Speed, just because it doesnt really fit any where else
Special Defense → Size, dunno why, just feel like it
Speed → Agility, self-explained

suggestions is welcome ( where the heck do i even place atk spd )

alternatively, i could also make defense… defense, and make speed both agility and atk spd ( if below 100, its atk spd, if above 100, its agility )

Is the build going to be based off of a specific species like a dragonite build or what

What pokemon wmdrayal?

cloud birb


This little fellow?

big one

miku flying type thing

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Altaria build
Though a regular white skirt would work better
Because clouds

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kinda ig, not trying to based entire on it tho, just taaking inspiration

doesnt mix well with normal white shirt unfortunately

Don’t care
Get the white skirt on