There is a poll on vetcord on weather griddy and dab should be added as emotes. I personally request everyone to go vote no, i think i will actually lose it if it gets added by all thr brainrotted vetcord kids
Please vote Yes I’m begging you all
But… comedy
The dab died many years ago and griddy hasnt been funny for…abiut a year now…this is notna good adition
God my grammar is amazing
Coward! Iris arcane Odyssey in Fortnite when
AO so dry we are worried about emotes.
thats exactly why we want it
dab on them haters
whats wrong with the griddy bruh its just a simple dance or whatever it is
Vote yes!!!
Im gonna cry
It’s comedic because of how goofy and out of place it is to do that in AO
Why wpuld vetex ever poll this its so stupid
The dab was in AA allegedly
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Im going through every stage of grief st the same time HELP
Can we all just vote indifferent.
True neutral