Poll: Is Tank Fish's video on AO detrimental or beneficial to the game?

flamingo’s WoM video was so ass ngl

Flamingo’s videos in general are ass tbh

loud = funny moment

When sky shall turn dark, Chaos Legion will open their eyes,
As if it supposed to happen,
Grand Navy rises the flag,
Assasin Syndicate shows the banner,
Everyone shall resist Legion’s influence as long as they alive.
We seen the power, we seen the weaknesses,
Our minds will power up to not fail again.
Greater and Better we become,
more stronger their attention locks on us,
Whatever I write here I won’t care
as this is not poem
It’s just an attempt to be.
We shall know, we shall remember
We shall don’t let their Legion grow
But we shall let them cook.
Thy end is near,
thy power ups,
we’ll see
we’ll remember
we’ll know,
how is it like,
to be a prey,
as we’ll slowly burn in Chaos’s flames.
When’ll we see Legion’s weakness,
Chaos’ll flee,
And we’ll dance.
what the hell did i just write,
I couldn’t see
how fool I am,
let my words not be locked
let my world be seen
as im don’t know what to write here
I just want to post this.

Ngl this is pretty cringe

Yea, I don’t even know how to write a poem.

Let me write a REAL poem :triumph:

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Free infamy lmfao