[Poll] What is your magic?

all of you are carried by your magic, admit it.

if anything that poll just proves my point as to why shadow is such a terrible magic

you stand drowning in copium

(said the shadow user, the epitome of “no friends, no skill, no bitches”)

i have friends and had bitches, although i can’t deny i’m currently rusty in pvp

in the wise words of the sandman:

the only people who defend shadow are those who use it fr :fire: :speaking_head:

naturally, i never seen anyone other than you and your stoner weed magic comrades defend wood

Well wood’s either viewed as a meme magic or people do realize it’s synergy potential and what it’s capable of on their own accord (as I did)

and being viewed as the funny haha meme magic is a lot better than the “cringe edgelord magic tryhards use”


yes, that is in fact an accurate adjective to describe the average shadowpilled mindset.

you attempts at countering my offenses to you is as effective as your magic

crystal supremacy

So I’m doing high damage with bleed DoT? sweet.

shadow could only dream of actually being able to have any real status effect

too bad you silly shadowheads are too busy being part demon/part vampire/part wolf/buff/hot/don’t touch my tail :pensive:

I can’t see the image so therefore I am unaffected :sunglasses: :wood_magic_var1:

Not surprised to see Lightning at the top and Wood at the bottom.

It seems to be both vetex’s and the communities favorite magic

lightning isn’t really even that good tbh…

(also the imbue noise is super fucking annoying holy shit how do people tolerate SSJCHSSKVKZBZBBDBSBORORBBRRBZOZOZBBFRBABDBEIFORBRDBWBOOOZZZOZOBRBRRBRBRBB for hours on end)

fire magic is the best magic (i am a genius fr)

fire is nice, its just basic
but basic is good, basic fighting style is the second strongest, tied with sailor