Polls about Aether kit in my new upcoming game Kits And Kills

Aether is a kit or unit designed to have somewhat bad base stats and their main strength lying in their super modes.

aether is possibly an undyne copy lol but they have somewhat different moves, aether uses an energy spear just like undyne

tldr: shit base stats, very good super mode



Light Yellow


Light Teal


What color should Aether’s spear be?
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Light Yellow
  • Teal
  • Light Teal
  • White

0 voters

What should Aether’s new name be?
  • Aether Adrenaline
  • Aether Berserker
  • Aether Overdrive
  • Aether Supercharge

0 voters

i dont trust that the forums wont be biased towards aether lightning (lmao), also i had a plan of adding “Aether Lightning” onto the name poll list

i might close this poll on april 8

Idk how I feel about the concept of a very good “powered-up” mode, since that’s usually hard to balance and will either be way way too op or too mediocre, feel like a guage system would be better but not in the traditional sense, ex abilites are powerful but take up a decent bit of the guage % and the guage recovers slightly passively and if you use basic attacks (m1s/m2s if those exist in your game), if the guage is completely depleted you get stunned/start an animation for a few seconds where the characters appearance changes somehow and you take 50-75% more damage and deal 10% more damage (making it a not very worth trade off but can still be used strategically)

This is very inspired by that one guy from guilty gear with the whole blood meter or whatever, this way it just feels more fun than oh i deal baby dick damage time to just wait till i get my transformation and then spam moves for the dmg, might be asking for too much tho

so the gauge system is somewhat like a mana bar? and doing m1s replenish it? ok i could add that

kind of i guess but its not like the traditional bars where you can use a very limited amount of moves before you need to wait/recharge it, you can always just use them but the player has to becareful not deplete it cuz they’ll go into that mode that can be punished + takes more damage for i dunno like 10 seconds or so, depends on the type of game ur makin

oh and this system makes it more skill based so its up to you to decide if you want that or want it to be more new player friendly (also forgot to say this but its veeeeeery ambitious especially considering i dont believe you are a super experienced dev, buuuuuuuuut the moves could be altered slightly in terms of visuals and hitboxes being slightly bigger/longer)

i have an idea on how this works now thanks, just like a mana bar but it affects damage instead

1 Like

ay no worries when it comes to ideas for abilites or stuff in games in general my brain goes anywhere and everywhere

sounds p cool, tbh you dont have to consider anything i said at all, just sum ideas, i’d be really impressed if you could implement systems complicated like that into ur game at all, good luck my friend :+1:

Honestly, you probably could just have the different colors as different skins for the class. Let the player decide which color they like.

that works

Aether Yellow Overdrivu

this reminds me alot of batting day remake

game sounds really cool
When do you plan to release?
Normally not into fighting games but I might give this a try

dunno, but my goal of (atleast early) release is by the start of june

ah ok

green color looks epic

so a toggle to deplete the bar in exchange for more powerful moves?

you can make it toggleable but what i had in mind is that its always active just only happens for special abilites and whatnot

make it teal, if you’re gonna copy and paste undyne then you might as well do it all the way.

there are some moves that differentiate them (¬ ‿ ¬)

only some?