Just a small analysis of the Port Mistral story. Enjoy.
Number One - Sameria’s Changing Status
As we can see, with the arrival of the Fenrir, the Status of Sameria has been changed to “At War”
They also have gained increased Curse Power with the addition of Morden on their team.
Number Two - Wotan’s Sons
We finally get confirmation on the Sons of Wotan, them being
Tiwaz - Wielder of the Frostmetal Curse. Tiwaz being the name for a rune, resembling a spear that represents the Norse God Týr, who in Greek Mythology most closely links to Ares I believe. Also blame him for Tuesdays.
Jarson - Wielder of the Lunar Curse. The only link to Jarson in Norse Mythology that I can find is in the name Loki Laufeyjarson
Both Loki and Tyr have links to the wolf Fenrir.
Baldur - Wielder of the Aether Curse. I guess we’ll be seeing Aether again much sooner than we anticipated. As in never. I didn’t want to have to fight the stupid AoE light ever again. Of course links to the Norse God Baldr. Oh look, he’s something to do with Light. Who could have guessed.
Donar - Wielder of the Lightning Curse. The fact we haven’t ran into the Lightning Curse before now is pretty insane. But here it is. Donar being specified as the eldest son makes me feel as if he will easily be the strongest and perhaps the fight where we get to see a big plot twist or sacrifice. Donar is another name for the Norse God Thor.
Sure hope our mutual links to a certain angry thunder god man doesn’t cause any tension.
Number 3 - Wotan
Tech did specifically say not to underestimate Wood Magic. I guess this is why.
Yeah so being able to create ships from thin air is hell of an ability.
If Wotan’s boss battle isn’t against a giant Fenrir which he is controlling and morphing I don’t want to come.
Number 4 - Nilah has a Curse
As we’ve theorised, Nilah confirms that she has her own curse.
Perhaps it’s the Sun Curse? Sorry Agnis.
Number 5 - Morden
There’s a bit where Iris and the MC turn towards Morden and its really funny but it happens so quickly I couldn’t get a screenshot, however all the Generals turn towards him after he reveals that he has the Death Curse
Number 6 - Dramatic Introductions
Four Generals, One Queen and Two High Ranked Captains. What a council.
Keep in mind that only two of them seem to have a Curse from what I can tell. We might be screwed.
Number 7 - Some interesting things.
Akeem is the only one of them strong enough to combat any one of the Sons of Wotan. I assume that he has a Curse since his eyes are a striking purple. Perhaps is poison or plasma, because I have serious doubts that it could be a different purple curse that we’ve seen in the past.
Nasir has a healing ability - Life or Healing magic probably.
Kelia is the Heir to the Throne of Sameria, so she always has the Captains about just in case.
Hassan is giving me Mentat vibes but without the supercomputer in the head part. He seems like a skilled informant or assassin, so I assume that he has Shadow magic or something similar.
Number 8 - New Islands
Six islands are revealed in this chapter
- The unnamed islet where the Fenrir docks. Perhaps it will be the base of operations for Keraxe in the Nimbus Sea.
- Rosehenge, perhaps the second largest town island in the Nimbus Sea. I assume this will be the location we go after Skyhall.
- Fort Montu, I assume that it will be a side location rather than a main story place. It’s where Nasir will run the infirmary.
- Hallowed Grove. I’m not sure why Nilah doesn’t send Akeem to Rosehenge, but clearly Hallowed Grove is also an important location for Sameria.
- Oak Island. Unless this is the small islet, it seems to just be a random wilderness island where Hassan and Morden can hide out.
- The Volcano of Skyhall. This is giving me TLoZ vibes.
Alright thats it with my theories and ideas. Anyone got anything interesting to add?