Positive Sum Games and You – Farming Infamy in v1.4

tl;dr: easy to set up 300 infamy per hour farming for two guilds at once
no alts involved, completely legal
yes that’s right, now keep reading

or scroll to the bottom for a summary if you’re a lazybones

The latest change made to infamy (and the final one, assuming vetex doesn’t change his mind) is the following:
  • You no longer lose more infamy depending on the other players’ guild’s tier, instead you always only lose 1 infamy from being killed by a player in a guild. (You still lose 5 if you die to a leader)

This is massive – it means that guild infamy is now a positive sum game!
But what is a positive sum game?

Positive Sum Games

Simply put, a positive sum game is one where all players can end up better off than when they startrd. Previously, infamy has always been zero sum (or negative sum) – it’s impossible to earn infamy without making someone else lose the same amount of infamy.

This isn’t true anymore – now, if a rookie guild kills someone in an average guild, they’ll earn 2 infamy, but the average guild will only lose 1 infamy.
If the average guild then defeats the rookie guild member, then the rookie guild has generated an infamy point out of nowhere! This may seem insignificant, but it’s a big change because:

Prey Now Wants to Be Hunted

This is the big change in the update – previously it was possible to get a bunch of people who didn’t lose anything from dying and farm them, but this was basically impossible to do on a large scale because you couldn’t get enough people to sit around and let you kill them.

But now, low level guilds are going to be scrambling for the chance to get their faces caved in by the highest rank guilds they can find. But wait, why?
Let’s look at an example:

  • Suncry (tier 4) and NoBanana’s Gamer Gang (tier 2) both meet at the colosseum for battle with 5 members each.
  • Every 5 minutes, all the Suncry members kill every member of the Gamer Gang (we’re not great PvPers).
  • In the same time, the Gamer Gang kill 2 or 3 Suncry members each (we’re not that bad).
  • Suncry earns 25 infamy per 5 minutes, and loses 12.5 of it. From this small exercise, Suncry is earning about 150 infamy per hour.
  • NoBanana’s Gamer Gang earns 37.5 infamy per 5 minutes, and loses 25 of it. The Gamer Gang is also earning 150 infamy per hour.

Everyone wins – and this is fast. Not fast enough? Lets do it properly:

Advanced Infamy Farming

This method is fast, but only if done right. To make your farming as effective as possible, follow these 5 rules.

Most Important: Get as many people as possible.

The most important factor in this tactic is how many people you can get in the arena at once – the server cap is currently 18 – theoretically enough for a 9v9, but 7v7s are more practical.

Every extra member improves infamy rates exponentially. A 7v7 will allow for up to 49 kills per side every 5 minutes – double the kills and infamy earned compared to a 5v5.
A 9v9 (if you somehow manage it) enables a maximum possible of 81 kills per guild per minute, enabling both guilds to earn a theoretical maximum of 485 infamy per hour (or alternatively, 2,000 free infamy going into the weaker guild per hour).

Be at least 2 tiers apart, but no more than 4.

For this tactic to work properly, the guilds must be at least 2 tiers apart (new vs average). This can go up to a gap of 4 (new vs strong, or strong vs legendary) before it stops working.

You can do a half-effective version if you’re one tier apart (new vs rookie), but this is much slower. Each additional tier increases potential infamy for both guilds significantly.

Try to get balanced teams.

This trick works best when it’s done with roughly equal teams.

Rule 1 is still more important - adding an extra player to the fight always means more infamy (for both sides) even if it unbalances the teams, but the trick is optimal (again, for both sides) if the teams are balanced.
7v7 > 5v9> 5v5

Adding more guilds doesn't help, but more players does.

Adding extra guilds to the battle doesn’t inherently improve infamy rates, but don’t forget rule 1 adding extra players always makes it faster – a three way 4v4v4 earns more for everyone than a 4v4.

Following rule 3, you should try to balance the number of high tier and low tier players (so ideally you have 8 Suncry vs 4 Rookies vs 4 Other Rookies). The high tier guilds and low tier guilds should each form a team, since they don’t generate any infamy by defeating each other, and would otherwise just steal kills that do.

Very important - DO NOT bring guild leaders to these fights.

There is only one rule that beats rule 1 - this one.
Do not bring guild leaders to infamy farms. They ruin them.

Guild leaders still delete 5 infamy from the system every time they score a kill, and the +1 for killing them doesn’t come close to making up for it.
If a guild leader is participating on the opposite side, this will almost entirely negate anything your guild earns from even the largest farms.

Casual Infamy Farming

Lets say you don’t have any contacts in the top guilds, and can’t organise those lucrative 5v5s or 7v7s.
For you, this update may be a bad thing. Since you can’t earn infamy from the general playerbase anymore, earning infamy without farming is much harder. Fear not, there’s still some budget tactics available to you:

Join ongoing infamy farms.

Obviously, the best way to earn infamy is to participate in an organised infamy farm – if you can find one ongoing, try join in. It benefits everyone and it’s the fastest way for you to earn infamy.

Try organise a makeshift one.

The next best thing to try is to just find a server with a high level guild in it (and no leaders), and invite them (and as many other low level guilds as you can) to colosseum for a big fight. Impromptu infamy farms won’t be as big or as optimized as real ones, but they’re still much faster than trying to hunt other guilds in the wild.

RK players like it's v1.3.

nah just kidding, this is dead

Now that guildless players don’t give infamy, there’s just not enough legal targets for hunting to be worth your time - server hop and look for a farm (or a server where you could organise one).
Farming is the future of infamy.

Closing Notes

You may think it’s unrealistic to assume high tier guilds will always beat the low tier guilds by a significant margin - and you might be right.
However, this is still their best option. This update has made it significantly harder for high infamy guilds to progress - they can only earn infamy from killing rookies or higher. If their KDR against rookie guilds is below 1, it’s impossible for them to rankup anyway.

You might think this breaks the system, but I’d argue it’s a good thing.
“Infamy Farm” is another way of saying “Massive Organised Guild Battle”. This is almost exactly what people wanted from the update - the only problem is all the weird restrictions on who and how you can fight if you want to earn infamy.

3/2 infamy when

Summary for Lazy People:
1 - Find a guild two ranks above (or below) yours.
2 - Get as many people from each guild to the colloseum as you can (no leaders, ideally balanced teams).
3 - Kill each other for a while.
4 - Both guilds are now significantly more infamous.


NoBanana here with these big brain plays. Man you should you aren’t some long forgotten genius spending your days on WoM? I think the government would kill to get you to join the secret research organization.

bla bla bla bla, kill people. Thanks :+1: very cool

But NoBanana, in the example you made, doesn’t it assume the stronger guild will get more kills? Because if they got the same kills I think the stronger guild wouldn’t benefit from this.

This is true - if the stronger guild doesn’t have a higher KDR, they don’t benefit from this (though they don’t lose anything either).
However, this is still the best way for them to earn infamy - stronger guilds need to have a high KDR against rookie guilds+ to earn infamy in this update anyway.

Any average+ guild can only earn infamy through killing rookie guilds and above.
This method is the best way to kill rookie guilds, and if the high tier guild doesn’t get more kills then they can’t earn infamy normally either.

…Is that supposed to be a good thing since like half this topic is about how to cheese the infamy system

Very pog guide :>

It’s a thing.

The new system certainly reduces RKing (which is good), but it also means that hunting players is mostly ineffective, and the new cheese method is waaaaay faster than anything that was ever previously possible (which isn’t so good).

Massive battles at colloseum are fun though, and my only real gripe with the system is all the weird restrictions on which guilds can farm off each other and how they have to do it.
I think it’d be better if any guild could earn infamy by organising large colloseum fights, but vetex didn’t like that idea so :man_shrugging:

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Wait… then how does the average guild gain in comparison to the rookie guild, srry just kinda confused…

Anyone wanna do this?

your guild gains nothing from this though, but hell yeah I’ll do it

Suncry earns infamy so long as they can kill more of you than you can of them.

This may seem unfair for them (and it is, you’ll probably earn more infamy than they do), but it’s still their best way to earn infamy, and it’s still very effective even if they’re only slightly better than you.

I explained this poorly in the post so I’ll try explain it better here:
You’re correct in that the high tier guild (which I’ll just call Suncry) doesn’t directly benefit from the changes to infamy.

The key difference for Suncry (and why this post is called Positive Sum Games and You) is that while the rules haven’t changed for Suncry, thanks to the positive sum game their opponents have changed. Previously, weaker guilds would avoid Suncry, and only engage if they thought they could get a high KDR against them (say, through ganking).
Since weaker guilds now benefit from fighting Suncry even if they lose, Suncry has a limitless supply of targets who:

  • A: Want to fight as many Suncry as possible for as long as possible.
  • B: Don’t care if their KDR sucks, so long as they can score lots of kills.

This is Suncry’s half of the deal. They’re not getting extra points on kill, but they get to fight massive numbers of suicidal easy targets on demand - orders of magnitude more than if they were hunting for them by RKing.

Also if the numbers are confusing you:

Event Suncry’s Infamy Rookie Guild’s Infamy
Start 0 0
Rookie kills Suncry -1 +3
Suncry kills Rookie +0 +2
Suncry kills Rookie +1 +1

So long as Suncry kill the rookies twice as often as the rookies kill them, they’ll both earn the same amount of infamy.
In the average vs rookie example:

Event Average Guild’s Infamy Rookie Guild’s Infamy
Start 0 0
Rookie kills Average -1 +2
Average kills Rookie 0 +1
Rookie kills Average -1 +3
Average kills Rookie 0 +1
Average kills Rookie +1 +1

It takes more kills (because they’re not two tiers apart), but the trick still works.

So far most Spellbreaker guild members can take 1v1 suncry and win, it’s only a problem when they go in groups.

Which they often do so :sleeper:

Is there a discord server where joining/organizing these events could take place? If there isn’t yet, one should be made so it’s easier to find or organize these battles

So… the update encourages higher tier guilds to target lower tier guilds now…?

if it breathes it gives infamy

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fr people overthinking this

That’s a very wise way to live life…

Shame that you cant beat our best suncrying

We cry you to death