Possible hybrid weapons, spirit weapons and techniques Idea

Possible hybrid weapons, spirit weapons and techniques Idea
effort 5.0 2 quality 5.0 2 reasonability 5.0 2

Currently the new things that are added in the game are mostly locked to pure builds (Which is expected)

However there seems to be nothing specifically for hybird classes other than strength weapons (Warlords or Savant) or possibly Arcanium weapons (Conjurer or Savant possibly). This is why adding specific things for hybrid builds will make hybrid builds not just use things that pure builds were already using a long time ago but also putting more emphasis to them and adding to their identity instead of just only using 2 things at once decently

Possible ideas

Some possible ideas for hybrid spirit weapons, weapons, and techniques

A possibly a grab that resembles light magic grab attack from AA or any other magic from AA(Magic and Strength)

A sword that could have stones that store spirit energy socketed on it that a knight build could use (Vitality and Weapon)

Possibly a spirit weapon equivelent of a arcanium weapon (Vitality and Magic)

Possibly a spirit weapon that is too heavy to wield for a regular spirit user that it also need some strength to wield (Strength and Vitality

Benefits it can have

-Hybrid builds don’t always receive things last and will sometimes get things orientated to their build
-More options for savant such as going a bit for magic and specializing more for 2 stats to use a certain hybrid weapon or technique

Idea inspired by @archrono

yeah great idea, this would add more stuff for the other classes :smiley: :cook:

i dont see the point when hybrids already have the skills of 2 builds to begin with. they arent really lacking, its just that many players are lame and only use half of their skill set cuz the other part isnt imbued or whatever
pure builds will always unlock newly added things early anyway, as they should. meanwhile hybrids get multiple previously exclusive skills from 2 pure builds as they level up. if all you care about is skills that were added in the most recent update then you shouldnt really be an hybrid in the first place.


I second this

I’ve had quite a lot of thoughts about this tbh and have some ideas probs gonna suggest them soon

praying it gets added it prob won’t due to how much work it will be but who knows?

I mean most of this stuff probabltly is gonna get added anyway but pretty cool

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