Possible Knight Builds (no insanity, no sunkens)

I’m a knight main, so I’ve been playing around with a bunch of possible builds to make use of a knight’s vitality.

Note that there won’t be anything requiring atlantean essence or sunken items, for all the unlucky folk out there. Of course, modifiers, dark chest armors, and tier two scrolls can be a chore to get, but they’re not as painful to get as atlantean essences or sunken items.

This is using the minimum 100 (40%) vitality needed to become a knight at level 125.

Here’s a few build types that may or may not work well with the Knight class.

Option One: Size

  • Option One Explanation

  • With these builds, weapons like the battle axe, greatsword and hammer are more viable, since they all have large AoE moves already. Kai saber and scimitars are also good, since they have large AoE teleport moves. With only 600 defense, you can breach over 2,000 hp as well, which is a plus.

  • However, guns and small projectiles (knives/daggers and staves) may suffer.

Option Two: Speed

  • Option Two Explanation

  • These builds make more use of attack speed and agility, while relying on a vitality build’s natural hp instead of relying on armor. Small projectiles and teleport moves benefit the most from this build, so weapons like muskets, dual flintlocks, daggers, staves and kai sabre+scimitars would be a good pick. With the new update, attack speed won’t be blatantly overpowered, but it’ll still be plenty viable

  • As you have lower hp, blocking power may be more needed, so perhaps carry a shield on you, preferably one with a low enough level for you to utilize the grab and throw. Of course, you’re still a knight, so you’ll have around 1,500-1,600 HP, which is still a decent amount.

Option Three: Glass

  • Option Three Explanation

  • As a knight, even as a glass cannon, you’ll still have over 1,300 hp even with zero stats in defense. This is kind of dumb, but with the new update, vitality damage reduction will affect the power stat (as it should), so it won’t just be a better warrior build anymore. (Seriously, a VITALITY build better than warrior when vitality items aren’t even out yet? Even if it is exclusive to glass cannons, that’s still stupid. Glad that’s getting patched).

  • With these builds, you can dish out lots of damage while still having a modest amount of hp. It won’t be as much damage as, say a warrior glass build (after the update anyways), but you’ll still get the benefits of being able to take an extra few hist before dying. Still kinda squishy for my tastes, but you’d by no means be wet paper.

Option Four: Tank

  • Option Four Explanation

  • These builds are among the highest hp in the game right now, excluding focus and aura. They completely neglect damage and substats for favor of simply having a truckload of hp. There are variants that favor attack size, so slow but hard-hitting weapons are favored. Not that you’re gonna do any damage anyway.

  • Of course, shields (preferrably shields you can actually use the moves on, since you deal so little damage that every opportunity counts) are almost a guarantee. You already have way too much HP, so why not make it even harder for your opponent to put a dent in it?

That’s about it for my build recommendations for the three Knight mains out there. Which builds do you think will be most useful, both before and after the 1.15 update?

  • Option One (Defense + Attack Size)
  • Option Two (Attack Speed/Agility)
  • Option Three (Glass Cannon, Completely neglect Defense)
  • Option Four (Tank Build, neglect damage + substats)
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