Possible Superpower Tournament

answer my question


like the physical polyhedron? or is it math?

all of it…

all bretheren of the quad…

Superpower: cataclysm magic

Item: jet loaded with atomic bombs ready to be dropped

The power to steal other powers…

looks good for me, i’m fine with somewhat op buffs if it means you have a chance of getting debuffs

plot twist: you have to kill them to do it, making you rely on your teammate

i’m thinking if i should let players choose their teammates

also imagine how funny it’d be if i paired mr hyperspace and flayire (rng team)

Flayire made their power immune to being buffed by me :pensive:

I’m thinking typ0, since micenraft

does this mean they’re also immune to debuffs from you

i’d like to add a gun to my arsenal to fire those bullets just in case i meet the nuh-uh guy
i’ll still primarily use my portals to accelerate and redirect them though

No they specifically said they are immune to ENHANCING effects, fighting against them I can do what I damn please

I think they just don’t want to be paired with me :cry:

plot twist: blood pressure was <1, meaning cubing decreased it (oh wait you can cause deadly low blood pressure)

Im immune to effects of outside sources of debuffing rng or buffing rng

Only myself can debuff/buff to increase chances of better/worse effects for luck via lucky rolls


y’know, weird cube powers are fun and all, but I think I might want something else.

See, today I got a very rare ex daschbun Pokemon texture card from a booster pack, and I have a small little book filled with all my really rare Pokemon cards…

what if my power was summoning the Pokemon in my book to fight alongside me?

i’ll allow it

you’re officially a summoner

let me make a list of my poke-friends (these are all my rarest cards):

-Celebi (tag team with Venusaur)
-Latios (and mega latios, since the card is a full print mega latios EX)
-Raichu (can only speak Japanese, since the card is in Japanese)
-Incineroar (he is also rainbow because his card is rainbow rare)
-Necrozma & Sogaleo fused and counted as 1 entity: dusk mane necrozma
-Celesteela (rainbow)
-Pikipek :sob:
-magikarp :sleeper: (tag team with warlord)
-Porygon Z
-Alolan ninetales
-Alolan exeggutor
-Iron boulder

This is so op bro you gotta change powers