Possible Superpower Tournament

i can’t decide which power i should have :sob:

  1. Chemical Manipulation
  • would be too op in round 1 if full chemical curse, so it’ll undergo “round evolutions”
  • round 1: airbender, round 2: +transition metals, round 3: +biochemicals, round 4: the entire periodic table
  1. Renari Galevathiga’s power (Chemical Embodiment)
  • why did i allow people to have multiform balance arsenals
  • seems op but i’m gonna lock myself out of most embodiments in earlier rounds
  1. The AA Avatar
  • control over all 7 AA elements
  • too op due to it being an objectively better ability than Pyronical’s
  1. Siphon Wither
  • Basically a decay-like shadowy energy with vampirism/lifesteal
  1. Kinetic Energy
  • can generate kinetic energy
  • can fuck around the temperature of things

some of these abilities contain multiple abilities that would be more balanced on their own

yeah true especially chemical embodiment (also why did i let dubious have his pokemon which is just like so many powers in one)

Honestly my character is probably the weakest ability wise tbh

ngl i feel like it’s on the stronger (more versatile) end of things, also seems very similar to soifon’s power


it’s basically alchemy from fullmetal alchemist

If you can redirect bullets at the enemy, can you also throw bullets at them from a standstill?

i think glitching can

combined with redirecting bullets mid-flight, that’s almost strictly better than my ability

the only thing you have is that your lasers can’t be redirected (except by sock)

Lilith probably could yeah

so many people in this tournament have an instakill move. I think a lot of people are gonna try to just hide and wait tbh

well, not that many. I went back and counted. Sock, hyperspace and the_one have guns. I have my laser vision. Dubious has lightning pokemon. Glitching might as well have a gun, but I think that’s it

dw guns aren’t available for round 1 and you can get a gun if you want

I wouldn’t need a gun. My item would depend on who I get paired with

yeah you’re allowed to base your item on your teammate

Your power should be the depiction I see you as
Awaken the wings of heaven


chat am i a winged person
