Possible Superpower Tournament

It’s the “mind’s eye”'s size, not the influence radius

oh i see

how are these teams being decided? is it random?

Who is my teammate?

considering I have the equivalent to pokemon satan and a sentient piece of paper that’s been shown numerous times to be able to lacerate pretty much anything (including time and space itself) in its path I’d say I’m pretty strong, much stronger than 8th place.

the guy with power negation

random but others can request a team





what does lacerating time and space itself even mean

also uhhh room level…?

Kartana has been canonically shown to be able to cut holes in time and space to create portals (much like sock can) except he’s able to also traverse dimensions

this is how the episode kartana debuted in on USUM ended, kartana just sent himself home by opening an ultra wormhole through repeatedly slashing the air.


i’m pretty sure we’re only supposed to be room level :sleeper:

me who just wanted to be fast watching the powercreep unfold:

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me when I have to give my pokemon intentionally shitty moves :pensive:

mewtwo, use… uh… tackle?

man this might be hard since even with shitty moves my pokemon art still kind of deadly

and they follow their lorewise power (giratina is soloing this entire tournament)

nevermind i just checked the doc and i’m actually pretty freaking strong wowza :yum:

sprigatito uses weed smoke

how do we feel about this
